Chapter 13

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"Hey I'm so sorry I'm late I had to drop off Bambi" I sit down at the dinner table across from Gavyn.

"Damn had a nigga thinking you wasn't gonna show" he chuckles and I smile.

"I wouldn't do that to you and you know that so stop playing" I roll my eyes and look at the menu.

"How's work?" He continues looking through the menu himself.

"Tiring honestly it's a lot but I'm trying my best to keep everything together" he hums in response.

"You know I can always babysit for you or just give you some extra bread" I shake my head.

"No no no I said I wouldn't take any money from you guys and I meant that" I put the menu down already knowing what I'm going to get.

"Okay miss independent damn" he rolls his eyes playfully and I give him a stale face.

"You know I don't like when you guys help me too much because I feel like I owe y'all something" I let out a breath.

"You don't owe us shit Z so don't be scared to ask for help" he smiles at me and I nod.

We ordered our food and continued talking like friends before I looked at the time and saw it was already 10:53.

"Let me make a quick call" he nods and I call Simon.


"She ate at 9 and she already had her eye drops in but now she's watching Toys Story ready to fall asleep" I smile and laugh to myself.

"Whatchu laughing for?"

"Nothing it's just I'm happy you didn't mess up tonight..." he chuckles and I hear shuffling.

"Well I tried tonight"

"Good... I'm uh- proud and sorry that I slapped you" he laughs harder and I roll my eyes.

"Nahh ma it's all good"

"Okay.. I'll call before I pick bam up" he yawns and says okay so I hang up.

"You slapped someone?" Gavyn questioned while biting into his burger.

"Yea he just wasn't... up to part when I dropped Bam over to his house" I shrug.

"Yo baby daddy?" I nod and eat my mashed potatoes.

The door opens and I look back seeing the last person I thought I would see...

"Baby z?" She smiles and walks over towards me.

"Yanni?" I smile wider and get up from my seat to hug her.

She looked much more older but still beautiful with short straight black hair and gorgeous dimples.

"Oh my god I haven't heard from you in forever... I kinda thought you uh..."

"Died? No girl but Mike did end up harming my um.. baby" she smiled weakly and I hug her feeling tears prick my eyes.

"I'm so sorry to hear that Yanni, why didn't you reach out to me?" I wipe her tears and smile.

"I just- I needed space and time away from everyone since the incident but I didn't know you lived in Cali"

"I understand what you mean and yea I live a couple minutes from here" she smiles wider and screams quietly.

"Same!!! So h- oh... is this all you?" She looks behind me and looks at Gavyn.

"Oh no! This is my friend Gunna" I introduce them and she giggles shaking his hand.

"Nice meeting you I'm Z's best friend" he nods and says a quiet nice to meet you before pulling away.

"Oh gosh it's so good to see you! We should give each other our numbers" I nod and we both exchange phone numbers.

"I'm so happy to see you. Call me anytime so we can hang out" we hug before she nods walking away.

I sit back down and continue smiling.

"Damn you showing all yo teeth in ya mouth in that smile" he laughs loudly and I smack my teeth.

"Shut up you idiot" I sip the rest of my wine making it my 3rd glass so I feel a little buzz.

I can't believe I ran into Yanni after all this time especially since I thought Mike killed her once he said he dealt with her once he found out her baby wasn't his but it was Ty's the whole time.


"Where's Yanni" I look around and I don't see her anywhere assuming she's sleep.

"Mike t-took care of h-her" she cries and gasp looking at Mike in disbelief.

"I'm s-so sorry M-Mike" she looks at Mike but he gets out the corner and shoots her in her head making blood splat all over and I scream over the loud bang.

"M-Mike!" I start squirming in the chair looking down sobbing while Sin snaps his fingers as his men take her body away.

Mike looks at me with tears and goes in the back for something but I can't see what he has in his hands.

"S-sin let me go" I whisper trying to get out this damn chair.

End of flashback.

"Aye you good?" Gavyn shakes my hand and I nod.

"Yea I'm good.. got lost in my mind" I smile before finishing my food.

We get done and I pay half while we pays the other since I don't need him to pay the full thing so I walk towards my car with him behind me.

"Make sure you get home safe Ite?" I nod and give him a hug.

"Okay but text me when you're home" he nods and bites his lip looking down at me.

We get closer to each other feeling butterflies invade my stomach with his hands around my waist lightly pushing me closer towards him just looking at his eyes while he looks down at my lips making it obvious he wants to kiss me just by the way he looks at them so I put my thumb on his bottom lip seeing his plump wet lip glistening while I move in first and connect our lips together as he lets me take full control over the kiss, I grab under his chin and deepen the kiss feeling him be submissive under my touch until I pull away.

"Remember to text me when you're home" he smiles and nods.

"Okay I will" he licks his lips and I get into my car.

That was a good night out.

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