Chapter 15

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I'm making dinner for us to have a big happy family dinner that Bambam wants for today so Chanel, Simon and Micheal are coming over for dinner. Chanel and I haven't talked since what she said about Ty and Gavyn but she's wrong for comparing them when it's entirely different from what she makes it out to be so if she doesn't want to apologize than we won't be talking any time soon. I didn't want my dad to come since all he asks for is money since he turned into a crack addict once he found out Simon was in jail so he couldn't get his regular supply from the biggest kingpin in New Jersey but now he's in Cali doing what he needs to do.

"Auntie why do we have to have this crappy dinner" Kaylen mops around the kitchen waiting for the food to get done.

"Bambam wants family together" I sigh turning off the stove.

"I don't even got family" kaylen mumbles and I walk up to him grabbing his jaw to look up at me.

"We are all family Kaylen... blood or not you are still a son to me" I let go and he nods before bam runs down the stairs.

"Careful!" I yell and the door bell rings.

I go get the door seeing Chanel and Micheal.

"Come on in" I give a tight smile and they walk in before a car pulls up and Simon get out the car with who I assumed was Lia.

He helps her out the car and it's Yanni smiling before hugging him. What the fuck? They walk towards the front door and I give them a fake smile before welcoming them in the house.

"Take a seat anywhere, the food is already done but Yanni you think you can help me in the kitchen real quick?" I smile and she nods following out the dining room.

"Grab the chicken for me while I get the mashed potatoes" I grab the pot full mashed potatoes and walk back to the dining room placing it in the middle of the table next to the corn, collard greens, baked macaroni and cheese and the cake for dessert.

We all settle down from everyone's different conversations with each other once the food was all laid out while Chanel says a little prayer for us to begin to eat.

"So Baby Z when did you move here?" Yanni asks before taking a spoon full of corn.

"Well I moved into this house 2 years ago but I've stayed in Cali for 6 years" she nods and I help bam clean her face.

"Is this your daughter and son?" I nod my head.

"Yes this is my daughter Bambi and Kayla's son Kaylen but I adopted him when he was just a baby" she gasped and everyone looks at her.

"I didn't know little Ol Kayla had a baby but that's great to hear... so Bambi how old are you little one?"

"8" she shrugs and continues eating.

"Bam be respectful when someone's talking to you" Simon warns.

"Yes daddy" she pouts looking down.

"You should teach her basic manners like respecting elders" Yanni sips her wine.

Did she just...

"I do but I also taught her want matching people's energy is which is also important" I fake smile biting into my food.

"Yea right" Chanel mumbles.

"Chanel don't start right now" I let out a breath.

"Start what? I'm just telling you sweetpea you aren't doing a very good job these past few months with the kids... ever since you have been so.... Distracted" she raises an eyebrow and Micheal laughs chugging his beer.

"I haven't been distracted" I continue with my plate of food.

"Sureee you haven't" she rolls her eyes.

"Auntie hasn't been distracted so y'all can drop that right now" Kaylen mugs everyone and eats his food.

"Yea what he said!" Bam shouts.

"When are you going to realize you are putting people in danger?" Chanel snaps.

"When you realize that Simon isn't in control of my life! He does what he wants with whoever he wants so why can't I?"

"Are you fucking insane! You two are supposed to be together for a fucking reason! That damn contract was for a reason and you ruined everything!" She yells.

"Chanel" Simon banged on the table causing me to jump a little bit.

"Fucking delusional! When someone dies because of YOUR mistake don't come running bitch" she gets out her seat and leaves the room.

"I'll talk to her" Micheal stumbles out the room.

"Let's talk real quick" Simon stands up until Yanni pulls his arm.

"That can wait.. we are here for a family dinner and this isn't how Bambi would want to remember it" Yanni smiles at Simon then at me.

He sat down and we tried to talk as if nothing happened but my mind wasn't even focused on Chanel or Micheal but it was mainly focused on what the hell is going on between Yanni and Simon since she pulled up to the house with him and don't think i didn't see her feeling up on his arm while he was talking to Kaylen and Bambi. I'm not jealous it's just she's my friend which mean we have girl code that we must following meaning she can't get up and on with Simon after I did. I'm not jealous. Chanel and Micheal come back and they both look drunk as hell.

"I'm sorry for outburst" Chanel rolled her eyes sipping the red wine in front of her.

"May we be excused" Kaylen asked and I nod letting them run to their playroom.

"Will I ever get to babysit little Bambi?" Yanni asks out of no where.


"I'll think about it"

"No it's no problem honestly I just... seeing her knowing I would've had a daughter about her age just melts my heart" she smiles weakly holding Simons hand.

"Oh of course... Bambi just likes getting use to people before staying with them you know what I mean?" I clean up the kids plates.

"Of course" she was about to continue until the door bell rung.

I jog towards the door and open it before gasping.

"Oh my god" I cover my mouth feeling tears welt in my eyes.

I can't believe it.

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