Part 1:Strange intervention

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Scarlet's POV
While I was painting what I saw in the visions and hallucinations through dreams when I was sleeping in late then i noticed a strange glow in red and blue to think it was invitation for a meeting through Hell and Heaven until I saw strange letters in different shapes one is the red with cobra with apple and the other is was holy cross thus I read one letter at time and said:
"Dear ms knight was it? Anyway I invited you and your fellow guardians for meeting and proposition. -Lucifer
"Dear Ms Scarlet what my evil son said was interesting and I'll summon you now." Love God
No one's POV
Scarlet was summoned by God as so the other guardians was summoned unexpectedly.
God's POV
As I finished summoning elemental circles when I saw the guardian trio together so I rushed to see the leader and said "Hello ms scarlet it's a great pleasure to see you in your beauty flesh and I admire your work."
Scarlet's POV
And I was curious what he said and ask "Me and my trio's work?" God said "No it's not you and your trio's only just you did all of it anyway let's go the meeting hall in office."when we got the meeting hall by doors until I saw a real devil and almost stunned with mixed confusion and amusement in the same time so I said in respectable way "Hello Lucifer my name is Scarlet Kryptonite and I am the daughter of the god of chaos which is my father's name was Simon Kryptonite, second god of chaos in my ancestry thus I am leader of the monsters and I am only last goddess of chaos that wonders around the planet Earth so long anyway I will allow the introduction for my team my older sister is Lavana the goddess of the hunt that tracks Monsters, Aliens, and Former gods those tried to break the laws of light and dark lastly this is Samuel, Son of Zeus and does all the hardcore missions in the living world and his sacred home is the Olympus from legends of old."
Lucifer's POV
I can't believe what I heard from the others in my realm so I ask "Scarlet and why you did use your powers of chaos for punishing sinners without asking me first?" She said "Well the real thing is that I'm never afraid of my own powers of chaos but I had no problem with my other powers is Ice, Water and wind basically in my monster form is Snow woman which I touch anyplace into ice sadly if I bite a human in the neck or private parts of the body they turn into snow women or Ice men thus I endured the past 1,000 of years in my never ending addiction of Blood and Sex addiction that I am nymphomaniac but humans said to me like:sex attic, psycho, monster, and witch." God said in anger "You punished many humans and sinners without my consent and knowledge?!😡😡😡" Scarlet said in cold and calm tone "It's because you have been corrupting and madness because you're with blind and discrimination so I am immortal goddess I do what I please to punish humans of their selfishness and greed!!" I saw her eyes glow yellow in astonishment until I turn my head to see my deadbeat dad but my surprise his reaction was mixed with fear and shock thus never in my life my dad was never afraid anything and heard he said "Stop with that cold look Aesir!!!" But in hallucinating her face matches his face of her grandfather in demanding tone and it did make sense to me in resemblance then all of sudden a clap of thunder they got me off guard.
Samuel's POV
I said in angry tone "That is enough!!! I'm afraid the time is up in meeting so my sisters and I are leaving in departure but I leave my gifts to you is two pocket watches of your own so farewell two rulers of Hell and Heaven feel free to visit my sacred home of the Olympus in new's year party while you can."
To be continued..?

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