Disclosing a Secret

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"And will they accept me?"

"They should."

"And what if they don't?"

When insecurity makes Cinder question her role in Kai's life, will Kai be able to convince her that she is the one for him, the only one? 


Kai's Perspective

Seeing her like this felt different, she was no longer the scrawny mechanic that Kai had found out hiding under a table. She was a picture of striking and elegance and everything else that Kai would want her to be, need her to be. And this time she was shoulder to shoulder with him. She had been the Queen of Luna. She remains the Queen nonetheless- of people's hearts and most importantly his. And when she stands beside him to face the world which has proved horrible to her kind for time and time again. She does not cower before their gaze- she meets it with the same level of intensity. Like a Queen that she was, as the Empress that she will be.

"Kai, Stop staring !" she gushed.

"You look so gorgeous- my eyes can't leave your sight" he exclaimed, as his eyes twinkled with amusement at the sight of his beloved.

"Well handsome, how about we get done with this and then you could take your time gazing at me?"

"Sounds endurable"

"Good, Now come back to work" she ordered. He groaned but the grin plastered on his face said otherwise.

"Remind me why do we have to do this?" he wailed, his hands itching to tug at his hair. He suppressed the urge recalling the time and hours his stylist had put trying to make his hair look pristine.

"It's necessary-" she said, but thinking better of it concluded, "Torin wants us to." 

"Yeah, because that's the right thing to do. An Emperor cannot elope. He and his fiancee should take out time to announce their engagement"- Kai said or rather quoted Torin mockingly.

"I guess it is time to declare it already...I have been staying long enough to raise a few eyebrows," she admitted.

"Not long enough to do something as stupid as the showing of rings!" he muttered.

"Kai, I have been staying at the palace for the last 2 years as a Lunar ambassador- I don't think I can handle Camilla's questioning look every time she sees me beside you in conferences."

He sighed saying, "I don't care about what Camilla or others think as long as you and I know the truth."

"It's about time - besides the media has probably guessed it so far and the masses are awaiting news about a royal marriage from last year," she claimed.

His engagement- their engagement was not supposed to remain confidential for so long truly. They were supposed to announce it within 6 months but things went on happening. Things like an increase in injustice against cyborgs, rumours about questionable intentions of Lunars, strained relations between multiple nations of the EU, Cinder having to overlook the newly formed Lunar government that this announcement kept on being delayed for a very long time, until now.He was a bit worried about people's reaction to him marrying Cinder. She was bright, brilliant, compassionate, selfless, just and had every other quality that a leader has to have. Nevertheless, she was also a Lunar and cyborg, two very sore spots for Earthen masses.

"Are you anxious?" she asked, as her fingers played with the hem of her flowing dress.

"More than ever" he admitted.

"Do you think they would accept me?" she implored, trying to speak aloud about her worry.

"They will- they should" he assured. His slender fingers holding her hand in his. 

She looked down at their joined hands and insisted, "And what if they don't?"

Giving a squeeze to her hand, he promised, "Then we will just convince them."

He stared at her as she looked up at him. Meeting her gaze, he smiled reassuringly and she returned his affection with a genuine one. He gazed into her brown eyes that he had come to love so much over the years- they looked like freshly melted chocolate making a deep pool that made Kai want to drown in them with joy. She was disturbed, he could sense that.He wanted to drive her concerns away and convince her that the Commonwealth would accept her. It was the last few minutes of their shared secret which was about to be disclosed to the world, with hopes that it would bring only well wishes and greetings of delight and infinite joy.He pulled her closer against him, to just feel warm with love.

"Kai, you are ruining the dress" she whispered in his ear.

"And since when did you care about creased dresses Cinder?"

"Since Iko started scolding me for nominal things and how I can't keep myself pristine for a single minute."

He chuckled, feeling his worry drain down a bit. Maybe the Commonwealth had grown out of their prejudices. Perhaps they had disposed of the rotten idea of all Lunars and cyborgs being evil or maybe they had not. But that was not going to stop Kai from marrying Cinder- the lady that he has come to love every moment. He was not going to give his Cinder away because some people thought that she was not worthy. Whatever happens tonight, he would marry only Cinder- the person wrapped around his arms who deserved everything that he could give her and everything that he could not. She was meant to be here tonight -by his side and she would continue to live on beside him forever and nobody was going to change it.


A/N: This was short with respect to my other fics and I usually don't write from Kai's perspective but this was easy- a moment of privacy before facing the media where Kai reflects on his time with Cinder. 

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Has anyone read Rule of Wolves or any other grishaverse book? You can DM me to bond over it!

See Ya,


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