Happy Fussings!

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"Imagine you had to see my mum and seek her approval for marriage."

"I think the comparison of Torin's family to your mother is a little cruel, Cin. No offence but I think Torin will take offence there."

"Kai," she chided "I'm saying imagine."

"Well, my creative mind says that I would be more scared for my life rather than seeking a good rating from your mother."


Cinder anxious over a lunch date with Torin and his family, while Kai is an unhelpful yet caring company.


Cinder's Perspective:

"I can see the worry lines on your face," he jested.

"Cause I'm tremendously worried," she replied, no attempt to hide her said worry lines.

"Chill-," he muttered and before he could continue, she had turned around in her seat and glared at him promptly asking him to shut up which he effectively did.

"You have seen him so many times and not to mention you know Torin. I don't even know what you are worried about," he pointed out.

"Easy for you to say, I don't want them to hate me."

"Cinder, c'mon you are worried over a possibility that is as impossible as you being a queen again."

"I don't want to talk to you," she fumed and launched herself into the pile at her desk. Her willpower didn't maintain the charade for a long time as she voiced herself again.

"It feels like I'm meeting your parents and I have multiple expectations to fulfil," she explained.

"Cinder you met them multiple times."

"But never as your fiancee and never on a lunch date invitation."

"I don't see how it changes anything."

"Imagine you had to see my mum and seek her approval for marriage."

"I think the comparison of Torin's family to your mother is a little cruel, Cin. No offence but I think Torin will take offence there."

"Kai," she chided "I'm saying imagine."

"Well, my creative mind says that I would be more scared for my life rather than seeking a good rating from your mother."

Her mother, Queen Channary wasn't a just ruler nor was she much benevolent in person, Cinder had to admit comparing her mother to Torin was an inept scale.

"Still, you would be nervous about meeting my mother and I'm nervous about meeting your family too."

"Cinder, you're hyperventilating. It's better if you calm down, crack puns that make only Lili laugh, laugh at all of Torin's stories and speak nice about the food that's cooked and you shall get good acceptance."

"Not funny Kai."

"You don't even take criticism. All my advice is wasted on deaf ear," he grinned, mockingly shedding tears of irony.

She thought to herself for a while, scrolling through her feed to apprehend how she could be a polite guest. Honestly, she was extremely worried. She had Torin and Suho to impress, their daughters were already impressed by her so that was one point. Torin was still hostile towards her when she spoke against Kai's ideas but he had grown on her.

The real deal however was Suho- he adored Kai and Kai looked up to him far more than Torin in comparison. She couldn't deny how Kai had practically been raised in their household only to stop spending so much time when his lessons increased after his mother's death. She couldn't overstep their made-up family by just bombarding on their peace.

"Shall we buy them something?" she asked.

"That is a fine idea but keep it minimalistic. Suho doesn't like grand gestures of wealth and Torin doesn't like what Suho doesn't like."

There he goes making her feel like the outsider she thinks she is.

"Just flowers?"

"You could do better Cinder, we are the royalty."

"You said no wealth."

"But some wealth is okay."

"Says the Emperor who owns the state treasury."

"It's the state's treasury"

"You said minimalistic."

"I didn't say flowers either."

"Flowers are minimalistic."

"I mean not that minimalistic."

"Then you tell me what we should gift?"

"Maybe a painting," he suggested.

"Who is being minimalistic right now?"

"A painting isn't expensive," he said in his defence.

"Says the Emperor."

"We will buy an inexpensive one then."

"But it shouldn't look like we bought gifts 'cause we had to."

"Holograph photobook?"

"I think it is too elaborate. You could do that the next time you visit."

"What if there's no next time since they don't like me enough the first time?"

"Well you are going to be there, you are going to be wife. I refuse to not take my wife everywhere with me."

"You know if cybernetics would fail me right now, I would be blushing."

"Oh, thank you for the appreciation, my lovely fiancee." He said, a cheeky smile hiding the pale hue of pink on his flushed cheeks. She chuckled, Kai was very charming with the least of effort.

"Can't you give me some better insight than Suho Liking minimalistic things?"

"I don't know- I have never gifted him anything and they didn't gift me anything. I was the next in line, there is very little that a crown prince might not have and be gifted," He mentioned with little cheer in his voice, a gloom rather evident.

She might have consoled him but some things were better undiscussed than talked over with impending concern.

She understood his lack of gifting- Cinder herself was too poor to gift someone and too worthless to be gifted anything, Kai on the other hand was very rich to be gifted anything he couldn't have.

"Still, I want him to like me like he adores you."

"He doesn't adore me", he retorted laughing.

"He does and you absolutely love it."

"Well what can I say, everyone loves a decent fellow!"

"Oh, decent fellow would you enlighten us about all the magic you cast on your loved ones?"

"You should tell me the answer for that one darling."

Kai really might make her blush someday if machines could malfunction.

The knock on the door saved her from answering something witty enough.

"Your Majesty-"

"No need for formalities, Torin. No one here but for Cinder." He reminded Torin for the umpteenth time.

Before she could think over the idea she blurted, "I'd some favours from you, Torin. Before you announce the work you have brought, can I just ask a few questions?"

Kai eyed her sidewards, while Torin did little to hide his surprise.

"Yes Cinder-Daren, you may."

Kai shook his head, knowing exactly what she was about to do, "Take a seat, Torin, something tells me this might be a long afternoon and hand over the file, Id make the changes while you two go on."


Writing fluff after some while and absolutely love to write fics that include Torin, leave kudos and taking positively to requests and comments! :)


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