Not All Wishes Come True-

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Request: Hi, i want to know about thorne consoling to Kai before night wedding with Chen Daiyu

A/N: This would make more sense if you read it as an continuation on the last two shots!


You don't understand the turmoils of being a ruler, Thorne."

"Then explain them to me." He yelled back.

"I'm an Emperor, I have some responsibility to the people. Cinder abducted her throne, she doesn't have to follow the rules anymore. I'm stuck in it, I'm doing this 'cause I'm supposed to do it."

"Which rules prohibit you from asking for help or feeling sorrow over your ex-girlfriend huh?" He countered.

"Thorne, this is not the time to discuss it. The water is already over the bridge now, it's my life and I choose to live it like this."

"What happened to the fight in you Kai? Announcing you're dating someone 4 months after you called for a breakup? And now marriage- and what do you mean your gonna make her attend it, Hasn't she had enough of the world's bullshit already?"


A short exchange between the Emperor of Eastern Commonwealth and the criminal mastermind before the not much awaited wedding

//Thorne's Perspective-

The harsh sound of the intercom ringing brought an unwanted end to Thorne's blissful moments with Cress.

He groaned as he rolled off the bed to answer, intercom connection calls meant it was usually something important. The caller ID read 'Emperor Kaito' which was unusual, he didn't expect a call from the Kai at this late hour, especially an official call made through palace links. Thorne had assumed Kai would be off celebrating his last bachelor moments out; well his dear friend Kai was a widower so technically it wasn't his bachelor days that were ending but yea, he got the idea. 

"Who is it?", Cress mumbled from under the large duvets. She seemed practically non-existent with her small frame hidden by the covers.

"Kai," he replied- as he picked up the call to secure the connection. It was a whole deal of security and privacy policy so all lines in the Palace with the Emperor or anyone else for the matter took longer to form than normal calls.

"I hope whatever you called for is justified or else-"

"Cadet Thorne, it's the royal advisor speaking."

Now that surprised him, Torin talking with him at this late hour from the Emperor's suite was the most bizarre thing he had experienced since before the rebellion. He wasn't particularly close to the advisor so he was at the lack of words to continue his previous statement.

"Uh- sure. Did Kai need help from me?"

"I assume, he does need some immediate help. There is a situation, I'd appreciate if you could come to his ensuite."

"I surely can," he replied, worry leaking through his words, he and Kai were as good as brothers- what could have happened that he felt the need of dashingly handsome Carswell Thorne, "What happened to him?"

"I'd rather not say over the intercom."
It seemed Torin didn't want anyone to know about what happened, the intercoms were recorded and filed under the Inner Security Wing of the Palace.

"I'd there in five."

"Thank you, Thorne-dáren."

The call ended with a beep sound, leaving Thorne in a bunch of thoughts.

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