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We hopped into my car at 2 am and started driving around. "Where could they be?" I saw Kats leg shaking pretty fast. "Hey," I placed my hand on her leg. "Calm down," I looked at her as she looked at me. "Everything is gonna be okay." She looked back out the front window. "About what you said earlier, what if they are in trouble?" I let a breathy sigh out trying not to think the worst. "I'm sure their fine.." I remarked.

Colbys POV:

I kept squirming trying to get out of the rope. "Colby..?" Sam whispered. "Sam" I quietly said. "Where are we? What happened?" I looked over at him. "I'm not exactly sure," I tried the best I could to remember but nothing would work. "We got drugged.." Sam looked down at his bloody shirt and pants. "Son of a BITCH!' I yelled. Someone came walking in. They were in all black clothes, "you guys are finally awake" The guy snickered. "WHO ARE YOU" I yelled again. "Let us go.." Sam said. "We have gfs and family we care about. What do you want from us?" Sam tried being nice but it didn't work. "BOTH OF YOU SHUT UP OR ELSE" The guy hollered at us.

Y/n POV:

"Wait kat" I said stopping. "I have colbys location on" I smirked. Kat quickly looked over at my phone as I saw they were at that abandoned building. "Let's go" I sped off, we were about 30 minutes away from the place .

Colbys POV:

They guy came over and punched us both in the stomach. "Fuck" I groaned.  The guy came over to me and started beating the fuck out of me causing me to bleed from my nose, mouth, and have a black eye. After that I went unconscious. "NO COLBY" Sam cried from a few feet away. "Shut up Sam" The man remarked. "How d-do you know my name" Sad asked nervously. "NO QUESTIONS" The guy screamed and started punching my stomach again causing blood to come out of my mouth. "Colby..." Sam said tearing up.

Y/n POV:

We pulled up to the place and ran inside to see what the guy had been doing. "YOU FUCKER" I yelled holding up a gun I found outside of the place. The guy threw his hands up as I shot 4 times hitting his chest all 4 times. He fell to the ground and I ran over to Colby, tearing up from what happened to him, and kat ran over to sam. Sam had been crying, there were tears drops all down his face and his shirt. "Is h-he dead?" Sam stuttered. "No" I said crying. Kat, Sam, and I grabbed Colby to the car. "Kat.. can you drive my car please?" I said wiping my tears. "Yeah ofc" She said as she climbed into the front seat. I sat on the back with colby and put his head on my lap as I cleaned the blood off his face. I slipped his shirt off so I could clean his chest off as well. I rubbed his head and tried not to cry more. I hated seeing Colby like this. I placed my hand on Colbys chest and slouched down. When we got home we all helped him back inside the apartment. "Someone went shopping," Sam laughed. "Yeah we did" Kat laughed back at Sam. We layed Colby on the couch and I immediately grabbed an ice pack and placed it on his eye. Since it was 4 in the morning I layed on the couch with colby between my legs. I placed his head on my chest and fell asleep.

Colbys POV:

I woke up on the couch without my shirt on, between y/ns legs. She was sleeping and her hands had been on my head and my chest. What happened I wondered to myself. I looked around and saw my shirt covered in blood on the floor. Same as a ice pack, and a few paper towels. My stomach hurt so bad. I moved around a bit to get more comfortable. "Baby?" Y/n rubbed my head and opened her eyes. "What happened?" I asked her. "I'm not sure babe... Ask Sam tomorrow, all I did was shoot someone." She said before drifting back off to sleep with her hands on my face. Boy did I love this girl I thought to myself. I layed my head down back onto her chest and fell asleep.  The next day I woke up alone on the couch. I looked around our apartment but I didn't see anyone. "Babe? Sam? Kat?" I questioned getting up slowly. There was no answer, so I went to use the bathroom. When I looked into the mirror I saw my slight black eye. "What the fuck?" I pulled my phone out and texted Sam asking what happened yesterday. I put my phone away and walked out. "I still haven't gotten a kiss from y/n. Well that I know of," I sighed. "I miss her" I opened our bedroom door and layed in our bed holding her pillow beside me. I put my face in it and wished it was actually her.

Y/n POV:

Sam, Kat, and I came home with stuff for Colby. I ran over to the couch holding my arms out. "Where is he?" I looked around. Kat pointed into Colby and my room, I went over to her and peeked in. "Is that my pillow?" I looked trying to get a better look. "Looks like someone missed you to much" Sam snickered. "I missed him too though" I poked my bottom lip out. I sat on the couch with Kat. Kat was kinda being touchy around my thigh. "Shit," Sam said looking thru the fridge. "What happened babe?" Kat asked. "We ran out of water, I'm gonna go get some more. I'll be right back" Sam grabbed his keys and left. Once he left kat quickly started kissing me. We made out for a quick 5 minutes. Them after smiling at each other as Colby walked out of the bedroom. "Babe?" He rubbed his eyes. He ran over to me and kissed me, giving me a hug.

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