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"Taehyung, this deal is really important for us, you have to go there," He said and Taehyung let out a sign. Its been a day since the incident happen, he is staying in the hospital because he want to stay with her until she woke up. He is waiting for this day from last 3 months.

He look towards the older and let out a sigh. "Hyung please attend that meeting for me, I don't want to leave her," He Said And Yoongi let out a sigh. "He wants to meet you, Taehyung she is fine And its only take you a Day," Taehyung shook his head while looking at her.

"Please do it for her," He Said and Taehyung finally look up towards him. "But at One condition, just inform me everything about her during that time," Yoongi smile And nodded his head.

"I will," He Said And Taehyung let out a sign.


"You have to live scarlet, he needs you, he loves you," A man standing infront of her. "Dad," Her tears are falling, he smile and walk closer to her. "I come to meet you daughter, You can't leave the world," He said and sat infront of her.

"Daughter, its not your time to come with me, stay there, he needs you," He said and she shook her head. "He has everyone dad, I don't want to go back, take me with you," she said while crying. He hold her hand and wipe her tears.

"When the time come I will pick you but now its not your time, You have a whole life to spend with him, I know he can take care of you," He said and stood up. He sat fading, seeing her father walking backwards, she stood up and ran towards him, but he left and the white room suddenly change in black and dark.

"How is she?" Yoongi ask to the doctor, "She is fine but she need a time," He said, she stir in her sleep trying to open her eyes when she finally did the bright light hit her eyes making her to close it again.

Seeing her stir in doctor quickly hold her hand. "Mrs. Kim can you hear me," He said and she finally open her eyes. Her eyes are still heavy so she can't open her eyes for more time.

She can't speak so doctor quickly check on her. "She is out from danger, She will be fine," He assure Yoongi when he hold her hand.

"Scarlet, Are you okay?" Scarlet tirelessly nodded her head while her eyes are still close due to the drug and the pills. "I am so happy," He said, she open her eyes and look at him, she is now feeling better. 'Taehyung will be happy if he know that you wokeup," He said but she hold his hand. He look at her and she shook her head.

"Don't .... Tell... Him," She said and he look at her in confusion. She gesture him to help her sit. "Scarlet, he was taking care of you all these days, he has a whole right to know about you," He said and she smile.

"I.. Know, but.... Wait," she said and he let out a sign. "How are you feeling,"


"So our deal is fix, I will surely help you with this," he said and shook his hand with him, the meeting dismiss and he walk out from the company, he sat inside the car with his secretary. He quickly took out his mobile and dialed the familiar number.

"How is she?" He asked and Yoongi let out a sigh when scarlet shook her head. "She is fine, when are you coming back?" He asked.

Taehyung let out a sigh, he look out from the window. "Tonight, I will be there by 12," He said and Yoongi hmm before hanging up the call. Scarlet chuckle and look towards yoongi. "You know what because of you I myself digg my grave," He said and scarlet chuckle. She is now feeling much better, Yoongi stay with her the whole day and she is glad.

"Scarlet, who killed your father?" He asked and her face change into serious one. She look towards him and smile. "Your father," She said and his eyes widen. He shook his head and stood up. "Scarlet, don't lie," She shook her head and hold his hand.

"Yoongi, its not going to change the fact how important you are for me, whatever he did is for Taehyung sake, I killed 5 people, I am just like them and there children might hate me too," She said and chuckle bitterly. "I accept this months ago, so you don't have to worry," She Said And he sat down on the chair. He hold her hand And she smile.

"I can't put anything on place, the people we loose, the sacrifice we made, nothing is going to be best but we can make it better," She Said. "I will leave him, He is now capable to handle everything," She Said And he quickly shook his head.

"Please don't say anything which make to choose otherwise," She Said And Yoongi shut his mouth. "If he loves me, if care for me, he accept it," She Said confidently.


Taehyung walk inside the room And saw her lying on the bed. He is dead tired And it almost past 2, he walk towards her And Sat on the chair. He kiss her head And smile. "How are you love?" He smile And she stir in her sleep.

He look at her And concern took over him he was about to call doctor but stop when she hold his hand And open her eyes. The tear fell from his eyes. 'You.... You wokeup," He Said And she try to sit And he gladly help her.

"How is your day?" She Said And he quickly hug her. The tears falling from his eyes as he was holding her tight in his arms. "I am sorry, I am sorry," He mumble And she patt his back try to calm down. She feel the different happiness which she can't explain in words.

"I am fine, don't be sorry everything is over," She Said And he broke the hug. He hold her cheek And caress her, her face is pale but he is Happy that she is fine. "I am fine And I am Happy that you too," she Said And he nodded his head.

"Lets start over, lets get marry," He said straight forward. Scarlet shook her head And hold his hand. "Taehyung can I ask you something," She Said And he nodded his head.

"Lets separate from each other." He feel his heart fall when she Said those words. "We didn't have much good memories, lets start over but for that we have to separate, I want to go back And start the new life," she Said but he didn't response.

"Look at me," She Said And he look up. "Please, I want to live my dream, my dream to become An artist," She Said And he let out a sign. "Okay But I have One condition,"


Scarlet And Taehyung standing infront of the airport gate while staring at each other. "Its almost time for my depart," She Said And he shook his head. "Don't go," She potted And take a step closer. "I will be back soon, Wait for me will you," She Said And kiss his hand.

He nodded his hand And hug her. Jessie, jennie And Yoongi were also there but far from the couple. "They look good together, aren't they," Jessie Said And they smile. "I hope she will come back soon," Jennie Said and let out a sigh.

Taehyung broke the hug And caress the ring in her hand. "Call me when you And And don't forget your meal And medicine, I will be there if anything happen so take care of yourself," He Said And she smile. She give him a peck. "Okay Mr. Kim, You fiancé will be back soon, I will call you everyday," She Said And he smile.

She walk backward And took her luggage. She look towards the trio who is standing far from them, she wave her hand And they did the Same. Taehyung hold her waist And pull her closer before missing her passionately. "I will miss you," He Said And she smile And nodded her head. Finally after so much time, she walk away from him. She look back and smile at him, she send him flying kiss and he gladly accept it, he smile and wave his hand before she fade in the crowd, everything she do seems like she is running from him but she just took a step closer to him, its Not the end of there story but the new beginning of the Love, this separation only bring them closer.



"Okay but I have one condition," He said and Scarlet look at him. "You can't marry me now, I agree but let's get engaged." He said and she smile. She nodded her head and hug him. "I love you scarlet, I really do, trust me," He said and she broke the hug. She take his lips on her and kiss him passionately.

"I love you too, But you know Love is better then lust 'cause its gives you world beautiful feeling that no lust can give you, no pleasure can satisfied you the way love does, Now our lust change into love and I am glad for that."


The End

Any question let me know in comments any doubts I will clear it for you, I will published the epilogue tomorrow.


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