4| M A R R Y H I M

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"Jennie,"  Taehyubg stood up looking towards the familiar women, she smile and walk closer to him before taking him in his embrace. "Oppa," She said and hug him tightly making him uncomfortable but he stood still don't want to sad this women.

"You grown up, very well," He compliment and she look up meeting in his eyes. "Thanms for  compliment oppa,"  She said with smile and broke the hug. He nodded and walk towards the couch followed by Jennie.

"Now tell me about your father will, Why you have to marry before your 25th birthday," She asked.

He let out a sigh and look towards her. "Because if not his a property along with his business will go under Namjoon name," She look at him with shocked eyes not believe what ever he is telling.

"How could he do that, Aren't You are only his biological child," She asked and he nodded his head.

"I know but, it's his will I have to follow it, no court, lawyer can help me," She nodded her head before resting her head.

"So what now?" She asked hoping that he would say something which help her to get closer to him.

"I have to find that girl before my birthday and let her sign the legal documents," He said and she stood up making his head up.

"Okay so, let's get married," She said and he let out a chuckle at her desperation. "Not you silly..." He said and she pouted.

"Why not me? I am beautiful enough to be your wife, I am not that smart but still I am not stupid or something," He let out a laugh and ruffle her hair making it messy.

"You deserve someone best not me... I am not made for you," He said and walk towards his table leaving the girl alone. She let out a sigh as she roughly went out from the room leaving him alone.

"If I would have the one I love, it might be the easiest task for me," He said and look down at the picture.


"What about the shipment of drugs we ordered from china," I asked as we both walk towards the elevator just to reach our secret room which no one know about. " it's a going to deliver in 3 days," He said and I nodded my head. We both walk in the corridor until we reach the room which is cover with glass walls.

This room is specially made by Taehyung just for me and my team to operate the illegal mafia business. "Queen, Look at this," He said and i walk closer to the monitor. My eyes widen when i saw someone familiar. "Jennie, But what was she doing here," I asked when I saw her leaving Taehyung office.

"Is boss going to marry her?" He asked and I shook my head. "It not possible, he can't marry her," I said and He look at me. I walk away from the monitor. "But he trust her, He can marry her," I smirk and look at him. "He will never ruin her life," I said and he look at me in confusion.

"What do you mean by this statement," He said and walk closer to him. "He can't put her life in danger when he know everyone behind him for the property," I said and walk towards the table and sat on it.

"Its time for discussing the problem we are facing from those stupid gangsters," I said and he start explaining everything.


Taehyung walk inside the room greeted by his enemy and friend. "What brings you here?" He asked and He look up and smile at him. "I come to meet you hyung," Taehyung sat down on the chair and look at him.

"Don't bother yourself," He said. "Aera give birth to a girl last night," Jungkook said Taehyung tighten his fist and smile at him. "Congratulations Jungkook," Taehyung said and he smile in exchange. "Here," He place the files infront of Taehyung. Taehyung look at him in confusion.

"I decided to leave this mafia business, I already has company to run, since I have family I don't want the things happen to them because of this," "why you telling me this," Taehyung asked, Jungkook smile. "I transfer all my business along with deals to you," He said.

Taehyung stood up and walk to stand infront of him. "I don't feel like doing this anymore hyung, I love her and we have family, I don't want to ruin anything," He said and smile at him.

"You should also start you life hyung, you deserve to be happy to, to have a children's more over to have someone whom you can rely on, the person who loves you and stay with you, accept you and care about you," Jungkook said and Taehyung let put chuckle.

"You are saying this because you have Aera in your life, while me, alone here," Taehyung said bitterly. "You are not alone, you just don't let anyone to be with you," "so what you want me to do huh? To marry someone and ruin her life, to marry her and still in love with your wife," Taehyung shouted while glaring at Jungkook.

"Hyung mine and Aera love are mutual. We both love each other, it's not one sided," Jungkook said. Taehyung let out a chuckle. "So what," Taehyung said in challenging tone.

"Isn't this too much, naming scarlet after Aera, it's so shameful moaning her name while having sex with other women specially the one who is your side chick." Jungkook smirk and walk closer. "You don't love Aera, it's just your obsession and lust who you fulfilling in your fantasy," Jungkook said and walk out from the room leaving Taehyung alone. His eyes burning in anger.

"If it's not you Jungkook, you will not go out alive," he said and slam his hand on the table.


"Scarlet," someone yell as I turn around finding my best friend running towards me. She hugs me tightly. "Don't call me scarlet," I said and she pouted. "You know that---," "Taehyung doesn't like this name blah blah blah, well miss I don't give a fuck about this, and I really don't interested in Taehyung right now," She said and I giggle at her cuteness.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and she let out a sigh. "I come here with Jungkook and Jimin, they come to talk with Taehyung ," I nodded my head, I saw Jungkook walking towards us, He look at me and Aerum.

"Let's go," He said and walk past me. Aerum smile at me. "I will call you," I nodded my head and wave bye to her. I walk inside towards Taehyung office. I knocked the door and walk inside saw him sitting on the desk.

"You call me," I said and Taehyung look up in my eyes. "Marry me."

LUST OR LOVE : S2 [김태형] ✓Where stories live. Discover now