13 | A R R E S T

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Staring at the paper infront of her, she just stay silent, but on the other side the man trying to read her face. They both sitting against each other. Her face fall when she get to know about this papers.

"Its better this way," He said and she look up in his eyes. Trying to tell the story of her feelings but he doesn't seems interested in it cause he break the contact. "I will send these paper as soon I get the wealth of my father, but if  you sign this it means you are free to date anyone," He said and she let out a chuckle.

"How simple it's for you to break anything?" She said and he let out a scoff. "You are the one who cheating behind my back,"  He reply back and let out a sigh before speaking.

"I don't want any argument between us, it's better we sperate in good terms," He said, Taking a deep breath she take out a pen from her bag and look at him. "If this you want then I will," She said and he want to stop her but his ego is bigger then the pain he is feeling right now.

Finally she sigh the papers, Her life is so messed up already and now he messing it even more. She give those papers to Taehyung and look at her ring she wearing. She take off the ring and place it infront of him.

"You are free to do anything with this," With that she stood up and bowed before walk out from the room. Her heart hurting like a hell, but she don't want to show him her emotions.

Walking out from the office she wear her sunglasses and get inside the car. Meanwhile Taehyung look at her every action from the above. He stare at the paper in his hand on her signatures. "I should have know your intention," He mumble before walking towards his desk.

She reach to the house and walk inside leaving all the maid in confusion because it's there first time seeing her like this. Feeling on loneliness is killing her. She sat on the bed and stare at her father picture which are beside the bed. She hold the picture and her tears start falling.

"I know I hurt him, but I am doing this for him," She said crying hard while holding her father picture. "I am sorry," She said and the tears falling continuously.


"You are under arrest, Mrs. Kim for killing 5 mans," The policeman said and walk closer to the woman who is standing there with emotionless face, they handcuff her before taking her towards the car. She look back to the maid and she nodded her head before she pushed inside the car.

Namjoon smirk when he saw her getting arrested. He take out his mobile and dialed a familiar number. "Our plan is going smoothly, she is arrested by them now it's your time to do your work, don't let him take her out," He said and hangup the call.

Meanwhile Taehyung is inside his cabin doing some work since he don't want to go home today cause of what happen between them. He let out when he finally finished his all work, he massage his temple when someone walk inside.

"Its a bad news king," His assistant said. Taehyung look up with his boring eyes. "Queen was under arrest of murdering 5 people," Taehyung look up when he said that.

"They have all the proves against her," Taehyung stood up and walk towards him before grabbing him from collar. "What the heck? How can she be under arrest and what are you doing here?" He angrily yell at the poor man.

Taehyung walk out from the cabin after leaving him. His assistant walk behind him. "Call Yoongi, I am going to cloud 9," He said and entered in the elevator. His mind clouded with the thoughts of her.

"How can its happen?" He asked himself. Hearing about the king, The member of Team cloud was ready to face there angry boss but above that they need to find a good excuse of why it happen.

Everyone staring at each other ready to face angry man who just come inside the cabin made with glass wall. Taehyung look at everyone as they bowed towards the king.

"Good evening King," Jinae said and Taehyung look at her in disbelief. "How its happen when you all already delete every evidence against her. Do anything, call the best lawyer of Korea, paid them ten times more, but take her out from the jail," He order but no one reply making him even more mad.

He slam his hand on the class table making them shiver. "WHAT WRONG WITH YOU ALL," He asked and everyone heads down no one want to meet eyes with him. "King," Jinae said finally ready to confess the things Scarlet doing, but Yoongi interrupt her.

"Taehyung, She has to stay in jail for 3 days at least," Taehyung look towards him in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? 3 days, I will not let her in for 3 hours,"  He said and Yoongi let out a sign. He walk towards the younger and made her sit.

"In three day, We have to find the one who give those evidence to police and we have meeting in two days, We have to put that in front of those old man," He said and Taehyung shrugg off his hand on his shoulder.

"Do I look like I care about it? I don't fucking need this business if she stay behind those bars," Taehyung said out of control. "Try to understand, Grab this opportunity to prove that you capable to handle this business of your father," he let out a chuckle in disbelief.

"If you not gonna help me then don't, just pack your thing and leave my company now, I don't need you," with that Taehyung left the room leaving 4 people alone. They all let out a sigh and look towards Yoongi.

"King going to ruin the whole plan," Jinae said and Yoongi shook his head and smile. "He going to save his marriage and business too."


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