Requests and Warnings

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[Currently Closed]

Welcome to a Oneshot book I made because there are not enough.

You may request scenarios and/or characters in the comments of this chapter. However.

There are cookies who are canonically children. Please do your research before requesting, unless you specifically want a platonic little fluff shot.

Speaking of fluff- that is all I am capable of doing when it comes to this fandom.

So please

-No smut
-No gore
-No bad stuff in general because I won't do them.

Thank you.

Platonic shots, romantic fluff and mild limes are fine.

The reader will use they/them unless specified in the request.

Updates shall be irregular and most likely far in-between, as I'm unlikely to get much requests.

If there are grammatical mistakes, I apologize, as English is a second language of mine.

Quick emoji guide

[🌼] Platonic shot
[🌌] Chapter containing drawings

//Let it be clear that I will only work on two chapters at a time- if I haven't replied to your request it's because it's not your turn yet! Patience is key, I usually work fast don't worry,//


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