Herb x Reader

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Flower shop

Requested by a friend on discord


Spring was just around the corner. A young cookie was browsing a specific isle of their local flower shop, their basket filled with general knick knacks such as fertilizer, slug repellent and a new watering can, as their own has broken during a small mishap while weeding their garden. The poor can found it hard to hold water with a hole in the side. That oversharpened hoe was to blame.

The cookie was humming in thought as they lifted a small packet of seeds from the shelf. They belonged to a flower with a nice purple hue. Though they couldn't particularly tell what flower it actually was, as the name on the bag was written in an overly fancy cursive print. They looked like violets though.

Light footsteps gained their attention. They glanced to the side, acknowledging the stranger who arrived at the seed isle. His hair reminded them of leaves. They couldn't help the smile on their face as they noticed how he carried a small potted plant in his arms like it was his own child. They turned back towards the shelf. They couldn't plant just violets, after all.

Just as they were reaching for a little bag with a picture of colourful roses, the young man a few feet from them sighed. They glanced his way again, noting the conflicted look across his otherwise gentle features. He didn't know what to get. They glanced at the watch on their wrist. They had time.

"Pardon me."

They alerted the cookie of their presence. He looked up, a friendly smile perching on his lips.

"Oh, hello!"

"Don't know what to get?"

"No... I'd get them all, but I only have so many empty plots in the garden."

They understood his problem. Though they saw he already managed to choose a few he wanted, which were sitting in the basket at his feet.

"How about..."

They lifted a packet of bulbs from the shelf. The picture displayed a cluster of yellow flowers. He took it from them with all the care of a new mother.

"Freesia. They symbolise innocence, among other things. Thought they'd suit you."

They said with a smile. They very much enjoyed the soft pink on his cheeks at that comment.


They knelt in the dirt, slowly wiping their forehead in the heat of mid July. They held a half empty watering can at their side as they regarded the patch of blooming freesia with a fond smile.


They looked up, beaming up at their lover. He was holding a glass of iced water, his cheeks rosy with an oncoming sunburn.

"Ah, thank you!"

They took it gratefully, taking a sip as he knelt down beside them. He held onto their arm as they both watched the flowers sway in the summer breeze. Suddenly, they placed the glass on the ground beside them and pulled a pair of gardening scissors from their pocket they'd been using to clip down dry rose stalks just a few minutes prior. Herb hummed in question as they leaned forward and cut one of the yellow blooms off.

"You know..."

They gingerly slipped the flower into his leafy green hair. His face got even redder at the gesture.

"They really do suit you."

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