Yogurt Cream x Reader

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Requested by xX_Vendigo_Xx

I'm sorry I took so long I didn't know how to start-

Enjoy this coloured skitch of Reader Cookie I made as compensation-

Enjoy this coloured skitch of Reader Cookie I made as compensation-

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They pulled their fur collared coat closer around themselves as they trod through the snow, their destination already in sight. The looming towers of Yogurca were always a welcoming, if not a tad intimidating sight at first. But it was fine, they'd been here before.

As they walked, the snow got less and less deep beneath their feet. They held onto the shoulder straps of their backpack securely as the white melted into sand, the lively chattering of cookies in the streets already clear as day. They stepped through the main gates with a smile. While the layout of the city was... complicated, they usually ran into their old friend Yogurt Cream on their way in. He was, incredibly goofy in their eyes. Proud and oblivious. Dense. It was endearing.

Their bag's contents lightly jingled with each step, consisting of little silver bells with intricate carvings they made themselves. They were more of a decoration item than a useful one, and so they always asked potential buyers if they wanted the ringer in or not. Ah yes, they were a merchant.

As they walked through the seemingly endless streets, they were on the lookout for the usual spot they met up at. Though the time they arrived each year was inconsistent, the place they ran into eachother at always seemed to match up. Like they had a sense of where the other was going. They stopped at the familiar street corner, looking up at the crude yet somehow lovable little piece of minor vandalism carved into the wall in the form of a curled up snake. It was cute. It's been there since day one.

Suddenly, they heard a familiar voice call their name before their friend attacked them with a hug, his bodyguard rushing after him like a worried parent. He almost managed to knock them over.

"There you are! About time you showed up, I was starting to miss you!"

They only laughed as they held onto the back of his coat.

"You only miss me the few days before my arrival?"

"Wh- no! I mean-"

He grew flustered, much to their amusement. They took a moment to greet Lilac, recieving a silent nod, before the three walked off with an air of idle chatter.

(Y/N) was telling the men a story of how they accidentally stopped a robbery from happening in a dark alley because the loud jingling of their backpack alerted the criminal before they could harm the other cookie present. Yogurt listened to their speech intently, though judging by his expression it was less 'paying attention' and a lot more 'silent pining'. That was when Lilac lightly nudged him in the side. He quickly shook his head.

The flowery one was having none of this, apparently, because he gently pushed his liege just a tad closer to the rambling merchant, their shoulders touching for a moment. He was rewarded with a red faced glare.

Well yes, they had called him dense earlier, but they were no better, as they had no idea of his affections towards them. Instead they absentmindedly took his hand as they continued their story amidst the walk. Lilac merely shook his head.

Those two were hopeless.

Cookie Run x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now