[🌌] Roguefort x Reader

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Requested by me being inspired at an unholy hour in the morning. The Korean description says he's male so that's what I'm using-

Pretty sure this is the first time I reached chapter 10 on a book. There are illustration sketches of previous oneshots at the bottom for celebration.

I'm gonna put that emoji on chapters with drawings at the end, which I plan to be every 10th.


Finding notes attached to the outside of your window is always concerning. Now imagine how concerning it would be if you lived on the sixth floor.

Well (Y/N) didn't necessarily have to imagine, as they had been dealing with this anomaly for a pretty long time. Before, every morning they awakened to the sun shining through their window and hitting them right in their eyes, causing them to wake up earlier than intended. Then one morning, it didn't happen. Did the sun go out? They thought at first. Apparently not. Upon investigation, they found a piece of paper lovingly taped to the glass of their window, casting a shadow to shield their eyes from the morning sun. It was one of those sticky notes with embroidery patterns printed at the edges in pale blue. The note simply read Good Morning! in cursive.

After getting over the initial shock, the cookie was promptly freaked out, and understandably so. They were being watched, apparently. The notes continued appearing every morning. The first few days they walked the streets in absolute terror, expecting an ambush. They often called up a friend to walk with them when they could. They contemplated calling the police, but honestly would they believe them if they said they were finding letters on the outside of the window of their sixth floor apartment?

After a few weeks, their fear was reduced to caution. They still called friends to walk with them, but less often. They simply glanced behind sometimes before turning corners.

As time wore on, they started realising just how harmless these little messages were. Simply wishing them good morning, sometimes reminding them to dress warmly before going outside, or to take an umbrella when it looked like it would rain. They actually thought it was cute, eventually. So after a month of silently recieving these little notes, they answered.

Before bed, they wrote up a small letter for their anonymous friend. They wished them good morning this time. They asked how they were doing, and warned them to dress lighter for the pleasant heatwave the news announced for the following afternoon. They attached the note to the glass with a strong piece of tape to withstand the winds outside, and eagerly went to bed with a smile.

The next morning,the sun woke them up. Their note was missing, but there was nothing in it's place. Entirely heartbroken, they theorised that the wind still managed to whip their letter away before their friend could find it, and that day was simply the day they gave up on trying to talk. They lost their penpal before they could even start an honest conversation, it was horrible!

Of course that's not what happened.

From the "anonymous friend's" perspective, it was just another morning. He wrote up a small note to leave for his dear jewel, and left his manor with a smile. This was routine at this point.

He first layed eyes on them at a banquet hosted in the town hall to celebrate the anniversary of founding. He wasn't necessarily there to steal something this time, mind you. When he saw them, they were dancing with someone, twirling eachother around in a fit of childish laughter. It brought a smile to his face. He only realised he'd been staring when their friend nudged them, and they turned towards him in curiosity. He was rather close to just snapping his attention somewhere else, but that wouldn't be him, would it? He responded to the questioning gaze with a soft smile and a wink, leaving the other cookie a tad flustered. They shuffled behind their friend and hid, peeking over their shoulder. It was adorable.

Cookie Run x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now