Pitaya x Reader

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Requested by TheTheorix

Reader is he/him,
And Pitaya is she/her
by request.

This is short 😔


A figure stands atop a mountain, staring into it's depths. Red hot magma bubbles forth from below, ever so idly. He simply watches. The sight was somewhat hypnotising – the warm colours swirling in patterns of certain death. He fanned himself with one if his hands.

"Need a pusssh?"

The sound of wings alerted him. He turned briefly before resuming his gaze at the fiery depths.

"Nah. I like the view, but not that much."

He said with a smile, finally sitting down and patting the spot beside him. The Red Dragon plopped down right there, long white hair brushing the ground.

"I guessss it's not that bad."

"Oh, is that humility I hear? From you? How unprecedented!"

He said with a grin. The dragon merely scoffed and draped one of her wings over his shoulders.

"You feeling brave today, boy?"

"Are you challenging me?"

Pitaya grinned as she grabbed him by the collar.

"I could easily fling you over thisss ledge, you know."

"Yeah, but you won't. You love me too much."

He retaliated calmly as he reached up to pat the scarlet helm on her head. She merely growled, rolling her eyes, clearly offended.

Because he was right.

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