Croissant x Reader

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Requested by lilymakesfnfstorys


Three in the morning.

That is what time it was. Of course, they were used to this. It was standard schedule at this point. They watched movies while their girlfriend happily worked away on some wacky time warping invention in her little garage. They'd always wait for her to finish so they could retire together.

Usually, there could be constant metallic clinking and faint lofi music heard through the walls, however they could only hear the latter at the moment. They didn't think much of it though, as their attention was focused on the horror movie they've been watching for the nth time but couldn't get bored of.

"You killed her, you monster!"

They exclaimed at the same time as the protagonist of the film, giggling to themselves as they made an underwhelming "aaaaa" noise to imitate the screaming that ensued soon after. They were huddled on the couch with a blanket and a bowl of cherries, the juice from the fruit staining their fingers red.

"Oh, I'm the monster...rawr-"

They always got silly when they were alone to entertain themselves.

Short of an hour later, the credits started rolling. The cookie leaned back onto the couch with a tired sigh, glancing at the bright digital clock sitting on the nearby counter. Four in the morning. They blinked once, twice, then grabbed the remote and switched the television off to rid their ears of the ending theme. Faint music from outside. Nothing else.

A pang of worry hit them. Getting up from their seat, they walked towards the front door with the blanket still layed over their shoulders. The night breeze hit them with an unpleasant cold. They walked through the garden via a paved little road Croissant used to bring parts through to the garage on a wheelbarrow, and knocked on the old metal enforced wooden door. No answer. Only music.

They decided to invite themselves in through a surge of anxiety, but paused when they saw their beloved hunched over her desk, fast asleep. They could only sigh. This is what she gets for working overtime.

Minding the intricate machinery lining the walls, they walked up to the sleeping figure. She was clutching a surprisingly small screwdriver in her hand, her head resting on her arm. Her goggles sat crooked on her forehead. In front of her layed a little metal box, a few gears lined up next to it in order from smallest to largest. There was a handle on the side. A music box perhaps?

They couldn't help but smile as they slowly slipped her goggles off her head and placed it on the desk. She didn't stir in the slightest. They poked her shoulder gently. Nothing. She merely continued to lay there, sleeping in complete and utter peace. Though it looked less than comfortable.

They sighed, shaking their head.

"What am I to do with you?"

They whispered fondly as they reached over the desk to turn off the radio. They removed the blanket from their shoulders and layed it over their lover, moving her to wrap her up like a very sleepy burrito. She made a small noise, blinking awake for a second- and then was out again. Not surprising. She worked late a few times this week already, though it never ended like this before. They summoned all their strength and lifted the sleeping beauty into their arms, cradling her like a newborn. She kinda looked like it too, all swaddled up in the blanket.

She ended up stirring awake when they left the garage, reacting to the cool air of outside.


She groggily muttered into their shoulder.

"I'm taking you to bed."

"But...but I wanna finish it..."

They sighed, only holding her closer.

"You can finish it tomorrow, my love. You work better after a night's sleep."


She yawned, laying her head back on their chest, one of her hands clutching a fistful of their sleep shirt. The other still held the screwdriver, as they were unable to pry that from her vice grip.

They pushed the front door open with a foot, closing it behind them in the same manner. Croissant opened her eyes again as they began walking up the stairs, although very carefully.



"Did you...see the thing?"

"That you were working on?"

They were met with a nod. They decided to play dumb.

"No, I didn't. Your pretty face distracted me."

She gave a strained chuckle, her throat dry from sleep.

"Good... wouldn't want to ruin the...the thing..."

Clearly her mind was fogged over with sleep deprivation. They managed to decipher that the little music box was to be a gift for them, though.

"The thing shall not be ruined, dear."

They said with a smile as they entered their shared room. They layed her down, not bothering to unwrap her blanket cocoon in order to let her sleep in peace. They layed down next to her, relishing the soft smile that she made as they caressed her cheek with a finger.

"Sleep well, Aurora."

Cookie Run x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now