[🌼] Sorbet x Reader

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Requested by ShinyDrakeon15

My work: *gets appreciated*
Me: *confused noises*


They were a mariner. The first mate of a grouchy old captain aboard a whaler ship, in charge of making sure the rest of the crew was fulfilling their respective duties. Though they often exchanged responsibilities with the barrelman, simply so that they had an excuse to gaze at the endless seas from the gallery view of the crow's nest.

That day was just like any other, at first. (Y/N) was keeping watch over the deck from above as they so often did, occasionally surveying the waters surrounding them for land or shadows in the water as the light of day slowly died away. They paused as they noticed the small silhouette of a ship in the distance, dark against the rays of the setting sun. They didn't think much of it. They came across quite a few ships in their travels, and they always left eachother alone. The captain called for the anchors to be lowered for the night. They shrugged. It was probably just a fishing vessel.

It wasn't.

Disaster struck in the middle of the night. Everyone had retired already, though they were not left to rest as they were riled up and startled out of their bunks by the sound of firing canons and roaring thunder. Rushing to the nearest window, the panicking first mate gazed out at the carnage. A ship has strayed alarmingly close to theirs, it's dark sails waving with the images of skulls and crossbones in the harsh wind. Their breath caught in their throat. This was the ship they saw.

They swallowed all their shame as they rushed to a trunk in the corner of their cabin. They flipped it open and pulled out a harpoon gun. Protect the crew. That was their sole mission now. The vessel shook and creaked as cannonballs pierced through it's hull one after another, and dipped harshly to the side as the opposing ship finally knocked against it as a show of aggression. Planks were thrown between the two ships as (Y/N) finally stumbled out onto the deck, the gun clutched to their chest, their shoulder ever so slightly crumbled from knocking against a wall when the vessel dipped to the left.

The attacking cookies were clearly pirates, brandishing jagged swords and daggers, half of them searching the ship for anything valuable while the others worked through the mariner crew like bullets through gelatin. The first mate shook at the sight of sailors scattered broken on the wet wooden floor, instinctively hiding behind a load of barrels as the rain battered down on them from the heavens. They didn't stand a chance.

The flash of an idea flickered into their mind. Holding the gun closer they made a run for the ladder up to the crow's nest and heaved themselves up as fast as their occupied hands could, though one of the pirates took notice and hurried after them. They got up into the basket and frantically searched for their captain. He was fending off a man of the same status. They watched in horror as the fragile old man tried blocking the swings of the pirate captain's sword with his walking cane and barely succeeded. They could tell that old stick of hard candy was on the verge of breaking. They aimed the harpoon gun.

A yell sounded behind them, the pirate in persuit of them having caught up and ready to end them right there. They were restrained from behind before they could even glace back, a dagger at their throat and their wrist held tightly as he tried to force the gun's aim away from his captain's brow. And he technically succeeded.

(Y/N) knocked their head back, colliding with the man behind them. He grunted and stumbled back enough to let them move for a brief second. They fired without bothering to fix their disrupted aim.

A scream of pain, drowned out by a flash of lightning. The mariner ship was sinking. They whipped around and knocked the startled sailor out of the crow's nest. He fell with a scream, though they were certain one of his mates below managed to catch him, as they heard him continue to yell at them after he should've hit the bottom. Though they couldn't tell what he was saying. Their ever-softening dough had finally got to their head as they fell to their knees. The last thing they heard was a draw out horn in the distance.

It all went black.


They stirred awake to the feeling of their face being poked at. A flash of pain pierced their temples, and they turned away from the touch with a groan. Obviously this didn't deter whoever was bothering them, because the felt a small hand grip their shoulder and another continue to poke at their cheek with increasing urgency. (Y/N) forced their eyes open. Kneeling beside them was a young boy with a calm smile, persistently harassing them for some reason. Sighing, they reached up and gently grabbed his wrist.

"Can you not?"

Their rhetorical question was answered by a series of bubbly noises, to witch they furrowed their brows. He didn't seem bothered by their reaction and simply latched onto their arm with a brief purr. The poor sailor was incredibly confused by this action, so much so that they failed to register where they actually were. They were sitting in a cell, of which the iron barred door was hanging wide open. Clearly this kid came in here to bother them on purpose. Were they on the pirate ship? Apparently they were taken hostage- how did they even get them down from the crow's nest?

Those were questions to be answered quite soon, as an imposing figure stepped into the room. Pirate Cookie, standing on one and a half legs, his freshly missing limb replaced by a hastly carved piece of wood. He didn't look happy with them. "That's my bad..." They thought to themselves. Though, they were originally aiming to separate his head from his body...it's better if they stayed quiet.

"Sorbet... What did I tell ye about opening cages?"

He snarled at the child, who simply smiled and cuddled into their arm more. He liked them, apparently-

"Wh- I- let go of them!"

His increasingly bewildered order wasn't fulfilled. (Y/N) attempted to force down a smirk.

As they've been later told, the remnants of the rest of their crew was saved by the sudden arrival of the Navy, which forced the pirates to abandon the rapidly sinking ship empty handed. Their captain was safe, at the very least. The mast on which the crow's nest sat upon was snapped by a lightning strike, causing the first mate to fall aboard the fleeing ship along with everything else. That's how they ended up in their custody. Quite unfortunate.

Eventually they were made part of the cleaning crew aboard the vessel, though they were still a prisoner. The captain merely thought they outta make themselves useful. Their saving grace was that small child by the name of Sorbet Shark, who followed them around like a lost puppy. But really, he was the resident puppy trying to keep company to the lost sailor. They appreciated him.

Though they weren't exactly happy with their situation, at least they could kill time in the crow's nest accompanied by their little friend, keeping watch for land and shadows in the water, all the while they held the child in their lap as he surveyed the horizon through a looking glass.

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