Pomegranate X Reader II

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Requested by me again because I wanted to make a continuation. This is more wholesome. You don't really have to read the first one to understand.


Domestic moments were scarce in the Dark Castle. They were either on missions, individually planning, and or working on something. But today was different, oddly enough. They had nothing to do. Every task the Master had ordered has been finished, this particular phase of their scheme deemed completed. It was weird not having anything to do except wait. The team had to entertain themselves with something.

And that's exactly what they were doing. The scene was oddly adorable. Poison Mushroom and
(Y/N) were playing in the courtyard, using Licorice's minions as stepping stones in a game of hopscotch. The hooded man watched on with a sense of sadistic amusement as his servants fell apart one by one as a result of the older cookie trampling them. They could hold Mushroom fine enough, as they were small. When they ran out, he simply summoned more of them so their game could continue. It was sort of a practice for him as well.

Dark Choco and Pomegranate were off on the sidelines, seated on a bench and watching the first two fool around in silence. (Y/N) had invited Choco to come play with them on multiple occasions, but he insisted he wasn't in the mood. In reality he actually really wanted to, but was held back by what remained of his pride. But then they did the unthinkable.

"Would Miss Pomegranate like to play?"

They asked all of the sudden, having misstepped and broken the jump chain they had maintained until that point. They totally didn't do that on purpose. This automatically placed Mushroom in the lead, which the young cookie was very happy about. Yup, total accident.

To the question the ever feared Pomegranate's face erupted in a furious blush, and the invitation was swiftly denied. The Darkness's newest recruit merely pouted in clear disappointment before rejoining the younger cookie in their game. Dark Choco glanced at the woman beside him with a raised brow, as this sort of outburst was highly unusual for her. She merely commanded him to mind his own business, and returned to gazing at her warm, very angry face in her mirror.

This was starting to become a problem. The heat was uncomfortable, and she was experiencing it more and more often in their vicinity. She was almost convinced the rookie had cast some dreadful curse upon her in her sleep. But why? To prove something? What did they even have to prove? The only thing noteworthy about them seemed to be their light-hearted attitude towards their teammates. They acted as if they were the sole caregiver to some dysfunctional family. It was unnerving sometimes. And yet as time went on, she started to mind their shenanigans less and less. As the others slowly warmed up to their paternal behaviour, she slowly started to at least tolerate it. It gradually became...oddly endearing.

She shook her head. No. This was definitely a curse at play. Perhaps they worked up a spell with Licorice to soften her so she wouldn't be as strict with them when they made a mistake. How foolish. She forced her face back into it's normal emotionless state as she registered how out of character she had become. Hopefully this would be the last time this happened today.

But as (Y/N) blew a kiss her way out of literally nowhere making her swiftly hide her face behind her sleeve, she knew it wouldn't. Though this action caused them to loose their balance on a minion and promptly fall off, landing face first on the cobblestone. The resulting mix of laughter and concerned noises from the others present was drowned out by the woman's internal fuming.

Damn the fool and their curses.

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