Pomegranate X Reader

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Yes Ma'am

Requested by me finding out that Pom looks absolutely tiny in her trial, at least to me, and so I have spawned a headcanon of her being quite short-


They stood in silence next to the two men, the taller of the two keeping their arm in a secure, yet gentle grip. They were waiting for someone. How did this happen?

Well. The cookie was simply taking a stroll through the woods, stopping to rest at a clearing and perching atop a large stone reaching for the afternoon sun. And that was when a small child ran into the clearing from the opposite direction. They wore purple robes, squishing a small struggling animal in their little hands while giggling to themselves. Their eyes met. The small one waved. The confused cookie waved back.

And then started the angry German yelling. A third cookie enters the clearing, breathing heavily and carrying a large scythe on his back. He reminded them of a teen-ager in the midst of his emo phase.

The poor cookie dared say hello. He only looked at them with his eyes wide in bewilderment.


"Um... I'm-"

"Don't answer that."

After being unceremoniously interrupted, the man in the reaper costume approached the child, snatched the bat creature from their hands, and walked up to the cookie atop the stone.

"How did you find your way here?"

He asked with an almost audible snarl to his voice. They simply shrugged.

"...I go walking often- guess I came further than usual today."

He seemed almost relieved at that answer. What, it's not like someone sent them to spy on him-

"Good, I can kill you safely then."

"Excuse me what-"

And that's how they ran into Mushroom and Licorice. It wasn't a pleasant meeting by any means, but at least they were still alive! It took some persuasion to convince him to just take them captive or something instead of offing them right there on that pristine rock, but they did it, and that's what counts.

They were brought to a castle straight out of a fairy tale, clearly labeled as "villain hideout" at the very first glance. They approved of the aesthetic. That did not ease their anxiety though.

They were currently lined up in the main hall, the two men beside them looking tense, one more than the other. And that is when the great wooden doors opened, revealing a woman dressed in red, a prominent glare visible in her otherwise emotionless expression.


The man stood at attention as she strode up to the small group, her steps holding a steady rhythm which echoed through the hall almost deafeningly.


"What have you brought here?"

"A trespasser."

"You are to dispose of trespassers, not bring them in."

They felt somewhat sorry for him, really.

"I brought them in in case they prove to be a valuable asset to us."


She got quite close to him, their faces mere inches apart. Her expression was unchanging, yet the hooded man looked more and more uncomfortable, a frown settling on his lips as he restrained himself from shaking.

"Our master is a busy woman. She does not have the time to sort through new recruits when she has not ordered any. Do you propose she should act on your request whenever you find somebody on the outskirts?"

"N...No, Madame."


She spared the new arrival a glance, still utterly devoid of emotion.

"Do not behead them yet, however. I do need assistance with a matter your incompetent hands are unsuited for. Deliver them to the courtyard in an hour."

She said to both men as she simply walked by the group. She left the room shortly after, causing all three cookies to let out a breath they haven't realised they'd been holding. The hostage spoke up.

"Huh... she's very..."

"Commanding? Intimidating? A massive bitch? Yes, yes she is."

That bitch part he mumbled to himself almost inaudibly.

Now. Licorice and themselves stood at a fairly average height, though he still was just slightly shorter than they were. And let us not speak of the other man, ever silent as he was, absolutely massive- but this lady, with the power to freeze these men in their place, she was...


Licorice gave a start before turning to them with visible confusion.


"I mean it, she's quite tiny-"

"Shut up! If she hears you she'll lock us all up!"

The man fretted. They only smiled. They agreed not to say a word, through the fact was right there, even as they stood next to her in the courtyard, harvesting ripening pomegranate fruits off of their trees. They stole glances of her as they worked, noting how she either didn't notice, or was simply unbothered. They had to admit, she was really pretty, but she had this aura of "you are unwelcome within 10 feet of me".

The basket hanging from her arm was skillfully piled with fruit, balanced as to not let a single one fall. That did not stop one from rolling off as she placed another beside it anyway.

She had barely begun to turn in order to pick it up, but the fruit was already in the other's hand, offering it back to her with a slight smile. She took it, her expression still stone cold, though her eyes seemed to narrow ever so slightly as she looked up at them.

As she turned back to her work, they couldn't help but continue to smile at her. They were going to make it their mission to get her to soften up. If they survived that is. She registered the fact that they were still in fact staring.

"Eyes forward."

"Yes Ma'am."

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