Hero x Reader

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Curtain call

Requested by PepperBell_Robotics

You're really nice and ily


The clock hit twelve. Bells rang out their ear splitting melody as Hero watched the building in front of him go up in flames. That's all he could do. Watch, and glare at the figure standing on the rooftop, the cause of it all. But in the blink of an eye, they vanished.

It was most frustrating.

Especially since faking a glare was not something he was a natural at.

He wasn't sure when it started. Maybe it was when they saved him from a fire they themselves started, one he was chasing them through. Or, when he pulled them out of the way of a collapsing building while they were busy laughing hysterically.

Both of these times he could have easily caught and turned them in. But he didn't.

That cookie was a hazard. A demented arsonist with no other motives than to ease their boredom. But he couldn't help but appreciate how they always, "accidentally" choose buildings that were empty at the time. Sure, their destruction was immesurable, but they were no murderer. Maybe that is why he always just narrowly missed capturing them each time they met.

Then again, perhaps it was because he realised whenever they fought, they refused to hit him. Not that his suit could be damaged by bare hands, but he digressed. They just danced around him dodging blows and giggled like it was a game of tag. And after the many times they met, it started to fade from annoying to endearing. He wasn't necessarily okay with that. It went against his title as hero.

He kept wondering as he watched a plume of smoke start to rise in the distance from his room. He gripped the windowsill. He would catch them today. Maybe then his soul wouldn't feel so heavy.

. . .

There they were. He silently landed on the rooftop, their back facing him as they rocked on their heels. The building was going up in flames below them. He watched through his visor as they tapped their foot on the concrete while leaning on the metal railing, eagerly surveying the sky. Were they waiting for him?

He took a step forwards.
They turned around at the noise, a smile suddenly rising to their face. With a grin, they opened their arms as if offering a hug. And that's when it started.

He flew towards them, determined to grab a hold of them and end it then and there- but they really were faster than they seemed. Sliding to the side, they gave a little twirl and offered him a hand. They were trying to get him to dance with them! The audacity!

With a groan of frustration, he shot a ball of plasma at their feet.

"Stop acting like this is a game!"

He yelled through the rising smoke.

The arsonist merely grinned wider.

This time they lunged for him, taking him off guard. They never went on the offence before, wha-

And with a high kick, the villain crashed their heel into the side of his helmet, making it snap up. Their eyes met after they ended their attack with an elegant twirl. They grabbed the still disoriented hero by the shoulders and pushed them back. He grunted as his back hit the railing.

"It was never a game."

They spoke softly as they approached, ignoring his attempt to punch them by simply leaning to the left. Flame rose ever higher, black smoke and golden embers drawing a curtain around them.

"It was our grand performance."

They placed their hands on the rail behind him, leaning in...

By the time he came to, he was alone. He coughed from the smoke. His hand lingering on his lips, he turned to the view of the city behind him. They were gone, escaped once again.

...and that was okay.

Cookie Run x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now