[🌼]Devil x Reader

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Colouring book

Requested by my want to adopt this boi

Platonic shots shall be marked with that white flower there


Devil was like a little brother to them.

They took his side when he got in trouble, helped him successfully conduct his various acts of mischief, and looked after him when he wasn't well. He loved them a lot, and they'd take a bullet for him. Typical sibling relationship, really.

Currently, he was sitting on their lap as they decorated his wings with little stars using a glittery golden marker. Tiny stars of the same variety sat across their cheeks already, courtesy of Devil himself. It looked quite good on them, so they made it their mission to bring the dark icing of his wings to a beauty akin to the night sky.

While they did so, he did his very best to keep himself occupied with a picture book full of poisonous fungi. Though he refused to read a word. Speaking of, he lifted the book above his head to let them see.

"What's the left one called?"

"Death cap."


He squeaked as he lowered the book back down, only to raise it up again.

"And the other one?"


"They're just getting cooler- are they all caps?"

"No, scientists just get lazy with names sometimes."

"Hah, nerds-"

They both giggled at that. Dragon's Valley was a gloomy old place, so they always did their best to find joy in the little things. (Y/N) glanced down to the rest of the markers beside them, scattered like rocks. The various colours made them think. A faint spark of an idea appeared in their head. They looked up to survey the position of the sun, as they had no clocks around. Just about noon.

They slipped the golden marker's cap back on.

"Oh, is it done?"

"Yes, you look amazing,"

They said musingly as they smiled, lifting Devil off their legs and standing up with him. He hovered at their side once he was let go. He tried looking at his newly decorated wings, but quickly gave up on it to spare himself from a broken neck.

"Sooo, where are we going?"

"Visiting brother #2."

They answered with a grin as they picked up as many markers as they could find in the ash coating the ground. It was around the time Fire Spirit took a nap. Always on time. Always at the same spot. Devil gasped in absolute euphoria.

"Are we--"


Yes, indeed. They were gonna ruin him. And he will definitely not be happy about it.

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