Red Velvet x Reader

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Requested, plot and all, by Siniora-Chan

Hi I'm back from that hiatus I didn't announce because I know
A/Ns are annoying.

Reader is female by request.



The cookie fell to her knees, trembling as she felt her body crack and crumble away under the weight of her armour. She gripped onto the hilt of her sword, attempting to use it as leverage by stabbing it into the ground and pulling herself up – only to fall down again. Her comrades barely spared her a glance before they marched on, the training resuming as if it never paused.

She glared at the earth with steadily dwindling determination, her attempts at getting up growing more and more halfhearted. She heard footsteps, purposefully approaching. She had no strength to look up.

A pair of hands found their way under her arms. She was lifted off the ground with the effort of a child picking up a doll, gently setting her on her feet again. She dared to look back.

Her eyes met with her commander's. Red Velvet regarded her with a sense of disapproval, so potent that it broke her heart.

"Sit this out. We shall talk later."

She didn't like that idea at all. With a weak salute did she turn around, gaze downcast as she limped towards the nearest tree stump, her sword dragged behind her. She hadn't even caught her breath yet.

She threw herself onto the dead tree harder than she should have, not doing any favours for her already fragile body. She entertained the thought of watching her comrades train for barely a moment, resulting instead to glaring at a small, unfortunate shred of a dry leaf on the ground.

Talk later. Yeah, right. It won't be as much of a talk as it will be an entirely one sided lecture. One final act of humiliation before sending her away.

...why wait?

She stood up. Why wait for him, the one she looked up to the most, to send her off when she could leave on her own?

She spared him one last glance. He had his back to her, keeping a watchful eye on the actually valuable assets of his army. Her eye twitched, and she turned to leave.

She wasn't quite sure how long she had walked from the training ground. Only by habit did she start walking towards camp, which was about a half hour trip, and realising her mistake no sooner than catching sight of the watch tower between the flora. It made her pause, and by proxy, think about whether they had noticed she was gone yet. With a sigh, she stalked into camp.

A few hounds bounded up to her, panting up at her affectionately- but she didn't give them the attention she usually did. She couldn't. She needed to lay down for a moment. Or two. A nap sounded lovely. The cakes whimpered as she walked by them, only adding to the ache in her chest. No matter.

She entered her tent. She shared it with three others. It was tidy, bunk beds carefully made for the morning inspection. She didn't have the energy to hoist herself up to hers at this point. She simply curled up in the sheets of her bunkmate, her emotions finally catching up with her. But she refused to cry.


She had fallen asleep. When she came to, it was dark outside, but they weren't back yet. He was really pushing them today, huh. She sat up in the borrowed bed, staring blankly at the floor. Okay. Time to go.

Cookie Run x Reader [Oneshots]Where stories live. Discover now