Chapter 8

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Tomorrow was Chris' birthday. But what do you give the person who can literally make anything with magic? I discussed this problem with Ethan while Chris was outside the inn.

"Hey, Ethan." Ethan was kind of like a little brother to me. Everyone assumed that he was me and Chris' child, which was awkward and not true at all.

"What's up?" Ethan replied, looking up from the comic he was reading.

"Ya know how it's Chris' birthday tomorrow? What are you getting him?"

I could tell by his face that he totally forgot.

"You forgot, didn't you," I sighed.

"Umm... yes."

"Well... how about we get him a gift together?"

Ethan put down his comic and grabbed his staff.

"Sure, I'm up for it," Ethan said, "But how will we get one without my brother realizing we're gone?"

"I have the perfect plan."

Over the past month, I had learned a couple of new spells. Including... a sleep spell.

I explained this to Ethan, and he smiled mischievously.

"I'll wait inside until Chris is asleep," he grinned, "Then I'll help bring him inside to his bedroom."

"There's only one problem," I mused, "For the spell to work he already needs to be really tired. So I'll sit outside and talk to him while silently working the spell."

"Got it!" Ethan gave me a thumbs up and hid behind a potted plant. Classic.

I sighed, fixed my face so it didn't look like I was smiling, and pushed open the front door of the inn.

"Oh, hey (Y/N)!" Chris said, wiping some sweat from his forehead.

Good, he must have been practicing some spells. That meant he would already be tired.

"Hey Chris," I said, sitting next to him under a tree, "What have you been up to?"

"Just practicing some spells. I found out how to make multiple people invisible, wanna see?"

"Sure." The more spells he used, the better.

Picking up his staff, he said, "The trick is your mind. You have to think about whatever people you want to turn invisible, including yourself. And the other people have to be holding onto the staff you're using."

He gently took my hands and placed them on his staff. His hands were warm and sweaty.

"Now you say, 'Invisi-' wait, why are you smiling?" he said.


"Umm... I just like when you hold my hand," I said, turning my head slightly to hide the blush on my cheeks. Not technically a lie. But that wasn't the only reason I was smiling.

"Oh, okay," he smirked, "So yeah. You say 'Invisible', and think of the person and yourself. Like this. INVISIBLE!"

I had full faith in Chris' abilities. But when I checked, I wasn't invisible. I looked at him, confused, but he was invisible. I looked at my hands, and teal frost was climbing up them.

"Chris?" I exclaimed in a slightly panicky tone.

"I can fix it, I can fix it!!" I heard, and I flinched when Chris grabbed my hands and touched his staff to them.

Whatever he said didn't work because my hands suddenly burst into flame, then extinguished. But the teal frost, if anything, started spreading faster. Now it was up to my arms.

"Don't worry, I got it!"

I felt Chris' hands on mine, and the cold touch of his staff. He muttered something under his breath, and the frost stopped spreading. But my arms were still covered in teal ice, and they were so cold.

"Gosh, that's cold," I gasped, clutching my hands in an effort to thaw them.

"(Y/N), I'm so sorry."

"It's perfectly fine, Chris! We're the best mages in Miitopia. We can fix this. Now... could you become visible, please?"

Chris reappeared, his face scarred with worry and fear.

"It's never happened before," he babbled, "Maybe something happened with the spell? Or maybe it's some type of mage disease... whatever it is, I'm sure I have a spell to fix it. But what happens if-"


He stopped talking, and I took a deep breath. Whatever this frost was, it wasn't that big of a deal. Sure, my arms were freezing, but I still needed to get Chris a birthday gift. And it wasn't going to find itself.

"You need some rest."

"But, your arms-"

"I'll figure something out."

I sat under the tree and patted the ground next to me. Chris sat and took my frost-covered arms, observing them for signs of damage.

Since my staff broke, I had been using magic by myself without the help of a staff. To my knowledge, I was the only mage alive that could do that. And it was somewhat freeing to have both hands empty while using magic.

"Sleep," I thought, and I thought of Chris and how tired he must be.

To my surprise, he immediately collapsed. What? Was he really that tired already? Or was my magic just that good?

"Wow, nice job (Y/N)!" Ethan yelled, barging outside from the inn, "Woah, what happened to your arms?"

"Magic gone wrong. Don't worry, it should be an easy fix. Now let's carry Chris back up to his room, and go get him his birthday gift!"

Ethan looked at my arms skeptically, but nodded. Instead of using magic, we carried him into the inn the old fashioned way: with our arms. I was about to carry Chris when I realized it was probably a bad idea to touch him with my frosty hands. So I let Ethan drag his unconscious body inside and put him in his bed.

I got some long gloves to put over my hands. Then I whistled for my dragon friend.

"You called?" snarled the dragon.

"Yeah, do you have any idea where to get a nice birthday gift for Chris?"

"Hmm... the Fab Fairies might know about something!"

"Good idea, buddy!"

I helped Ethan onto the dragon, and jumped on myself. With a large "THOOM!", we flew up and up until we were above the clouds.

"Realm of the Fey, here we come!"

The Great Sage (Fem. Reader x Great Sage)Where stories live. Discover now