Chapter 5

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The Darker Lord was right about one thing, we did meet some old friends. Remember the skinny, feeble dude who appeared when we defeated the Dark Lord? He was there, and we fought a phantom of the Dark Lord. The man who was no longer evil felt bad about becoming the Dark Lord, so he begged to join our party to fight the Darker Lord. He was pretty much useless, but our team appreciated his enthusiasm!

Next, we fought stronger versions of the monsters that took the King and Princess' faces! Of course, my team took them down easily. We also defeated a reincarnate of the Pharaoh mask, with our genie friend's face. Then, we fought a hard battle against a huge frog and two tadpoles, with the Fab Fairies' faces!

Somewhere along the way, I asked the no-longer-Dark-Lord how he got possessed by the blue spirit. He said something about a banana factory, and then asked me a question in return.

"There's been some r-rumors around," he stuttered, "So, this new D-darker Lord... what was your relationship with him?"

Well, darn. I guess it would be better for him to hear the truth, rather than a rumor.

"We liked each other," I admitted, "But we were just friends. Chris told me that when this was all over, we could have a life together. But... it obviously didn't work out the way we wanted."

"That sucks."

"It sure does."

We reached the top of the Skyscraper, expecting to find the Darker Lord. But there was nothing there, just the sky.

"The Darker Lord forced monsters to build this tower," explained my new friend, "He wanted a place in the sky from which to look down upon Miitopia."

"...a place in the sky?" I questioned, looking up at the stars.

"Yes. High, high up in a place called the Otherworld. I believe you'll find the Darker Lord up there in Otherworld," he gestured, "And this here is the way in."

A glowing tube stood before us, going up, up- past the clouds.

"Let's get going then!" I exclaimed.

I started running towards the portal, but noticed the not-Dark-Lord wasn't following.

"I... can't go with you. The place is cursed. No normal person can survive there for long! You'll have to leave me behind, I'm afraid," he explained.

"Oh... I see. Well, take care then! Thank you!"

"No, thank you," he said, "Please, you must defeat the Darker Lord!"

Then he left our party and headed back inside the Skyscraper. With a nod, my group traveled up to the Otherworld. The Otherworld was made of some type of purple gas, with small islands floating around in it. But the most disturbing thing about this strange world was the faces. Eyes. noses, and mouths floated around in the purple gas.

I growled, whatever was controlling Chris was truly despicable.

After fighting our way through the Otherworld, we reached the Darker Lord's domain.

"Mwaaa ha ha haaa!"

The Darker Lord appeared before me, his staff ready.

"So, you promised me a show, (Y/N)," he began, absentmindedly fingering his staff, "You finally made it up here. I thought I was going to die of boredom! But I guess you just had to come save Chris, huh?"

"Leave him alone! He did nothing to cause this," I yelled.

The Darker Lord suddenly growled and moved towards me with lightning speed, his face inches from mine. But this wasn't romantic. It was terrifying.

"You know nothing of what Chris did to me!" the Darker Lord snarled, "He was the one who turned me into this!"

"NO!" I yelled, my voice quivering with anger, "YOU'RE LYING!"

My anger gave the Darker Lord satisfaction.

"Am I? Of course, he wouldn't have told you. It was always his little secret."

"That's not true. Give him back!"

He sighed, and stepped back.

"You truly are stubborn. Well then... come and try your luck!"

The Darker Lord's form changed until he became a huge golden sun with two powerful hands. Three of my companions took his left hand. The other three took his right. This left me with Nathan, Evan, and Ava... fighting the Darker Lord's main form.

On either side, my companions destroyed his hands. They cheered, their faces joyful with celebration. The Darker Lord snatched their faces and turned his attention to the four of us. We fought the Darker Lord like a well-oiled machine, striking him again and again. I pushed the thought of us hurting Chris out of my head– we had to defeat the Darker Lord!

Eventually, we were all exhausted, and my friends let their guard down when they saw the Darker Lord was at little health. The Darker Lord saw this and quickly struck all three of them down, leaving me friendless and afraid.

I attempted to use magic, but my old and battered staff shattered in my hands, leaving me with several shards of wood and a couple of splinters in my right palm. Drat.

"You'll never defeat me!" the Darker Lord bellowed, "Where are your friends now?"

I had no tactical advantages anymore. No, I had no friends. But I realized the Darker Lord was wrong. I still had one friend left to help me.

"Chris!" I choked, "Help me..."

The Darker Lord laughed, a long, drawn-out laugh that shook the ground.

"Chris can't save you now! Nobody can."

He moved to strike me down. I fell on my knees, helpless but hopeful. Chris was still somewhere in the Darker Lord.

"No! Chris promised to help me! He promised..." I launched into a coughing fit, unable to get any more words out to save my life, literally.

"Goodbye, (Y/N)."

The Darker Lord swung his staff down at me. It was an easy shot, and I made no move to block the blow. But I didn't need to.

The enemy's staff hit the ground, a few inches from my heart, but missing my body entirely.

"What? No!" the Darker Lord yelped, swinging down his staff again.

He swung again and again, each attack missing me. How was this possible? While the Darker Lord was trying to fix his "broken" staff, I struggled to my feet.

"You're wrong," I whispered.


"YOU'RE WRONG!" I screamed, my hoarse voice burning my throat.

The Darker Lord stood, confused at my words. I continued.

"Chris is still helping me. You don't have control over him!"

It was now my turn. But my staff was broken, so I couldn't use magic, could I? I felt a burning sensation, and somehow I found strength. What I was taught was wrong: I had Magicka within me.


I don't know how I did it. But I had just become the first mage to ever use magic without the help of a staff. Was that what Chris meant when he said he saw a great power within me?

A huge column of flame burst at the Darker Lord's feet, draining the last of his health. His face shook and trembled, then exploded.

The Darker Lord was gone.

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