Chapter 13

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The ceiling above our cage burst into rubble suddenly. And down came our rescuers. The Fab Fairies ascended with their bows ready to shoot any monster in their way. And to my surprise, Ethan flew down as well, carried by two light blue magical wings. He was using my spell! I was so proud.

"Time to go, guys!" Ethan yelled.

There was no need to wake up Chris; he snapped awake when our cage hit the ground. Ethan landed next to our cage and blasted the cell door to bits with a deafening explosion. Chris grabbed my hand, pulling me through the battle and behind a barrel. He grabbed his staff, but must've realized that he couldn't use it because of his collar.

"Ethan! Can you use lightning on our collars?" I yelled over the commotion.

Ethan landed beside me, raised his staff, and hit our collars with a well-aimed blast of lightning. Our shock collars immediately popped off with a sad "beep". I had an idea to escape.

"Chris! You have to use my flight spell with your staff! I'll do it without!"

"But I've never used it before!" was his reply.

"Just say 'Flight', think of birds and the sky and clouds, and concentrate! I've got your back!" I explained rapidly, "Watch me!"

"Flight!" I yelled, and thought of birds, the sky, and clouds.

Light purple wings erupted from my back, and I flapped them, joining the battle.

"Flight!" Chris yelled, and teal wings flickered at his sides.

"You have to concentrate!" I yelled mid-battle.

"It's hard to concentrate when I'm so worried about you dying!" he yelled back.

"Trust that I've got this, Chris! You have to."

Chris took a deep breath as I kicked a monster hard in the nose.

"Flight!" he shouted.

This time, it worked.

Magical teal wings erupted from his back and he took flight. I smiled and high-fived him, then we fought back-to-back against the monsters.

"LET'S GO!" I shouted.

I flapped my new wings and flew out of the tunnel of rock, Chris on my heels. After we were clear of the cave, I looked back and saw Ethan and the Fab Fairies.

"We collapsed the tunnel on them," Faith explained, "They won't be getting out of that cave anytime soon."

"Thank you, guys," I managed, breathing heavily, "How did you find us?"

"That would be me," Ethan smirked, "When I woke up and you two weren't there, I used my locator spell, and I followed it to see (Y/N) being kidnapped by super big monsters! I found some notes on the ground, and used them to get these wings. Then I flew to the Realm of the Fey to get help!"

"I'm proud of you, buddy," I said, ruffling Ethan's hair, "You did great! That spell isn't easy to use. I should know."

"Thanks, (Y/N)," Ethan blushed at the compliment.

We said goodbye to the Fab Fairies and the three of us flew back to the inn. Along the way, we exchanged highly exaggerated stories about what had happened.

"It's almost dark," Ethan said, "I'll let you two talk."

How uncharacteristic of him. He usually loved stalking us!

We landed at our inn, and Ethan ran inside. I smiled, and grabbed my notes and staff from the ground.

"Well, this spell came in handy," I said, "Glad you let me make it, Chris?"

"Yeah, it really saved the day," Chris admitted.

He didn't sound very enthusiastic.

"Chris..? Is something wrong?"

Chris blushed, and said, "No. I just wanted to ask you a question. Can we go up to the roof?"


Instead of climbing trees, I used my flight spell to fly to the top of the inn's roof. The sun was just setting over the forest, and it was really beautiful.

Chris landed next to me, and sat on the roof. I leaned my head on his shoulder like I did when he told me about his brother, back in the Otherworld.

"(Y/N)... I want you to know that I'll always worry about you because you're really important to me. And I wanted to know if... you'd like to be my girlfriend? Officially?" he whispered.

"Of course, silly," I teased, "But don't tell the Fab Fairies. It'll probably end up in a gossip magazine or something."

Chris laughed, and we sat on the edge of the roof, dangling our legs over the side, looking at the sunset. I found I didn't mind having someone worry about me. And I couldn't wait for our next adventure.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2021 ⏰

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