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The lady gave you some tea. "You look awfully familiar." she said. "Ah that could be, I'm Princess Y/n." you said and took a sip of the tea. "But why is a princess out of the castle, all lone and that in such weather?" she asked you. "I was kicked out of the castle because I don't want to get married." you said.

You spent a long time talking to the old lady. You looked outside. It still hasn't stopped pouring. "How about you stay here for a while, until you know what you want to do." the lady suggested. "I can't ask that of yo ma'am." you said. "Of course you can but I warn you. I'm not treating you like a princess here." she said.

The old lady showed you to your room and made the bed for you since it was indeed a bit late. "There's a lot to do tomorrow." the lady said and then left you in the room.

The next morning

You were awoken by the sound of the rooster. You yawned and opened your eyes. It was very early, telling by the dim light from outside. Someone knocked on your door. "Y/n, breakfast is ready. Come and have some." the lady said behind the door. You smelled it. It smelled delicious. You quickly got dressed and went downstairs.

After eating breakfast, you had a lot of tasks to do. You had to clean the whole house, wash the dishes, feed the animals, water the plants, deliver a note and chop some wood. "You need this for when you deliver the note." the lady said. She gave you a bow and some arrows. Then the old lady left to go to the town, to sell her pottery. You were confused bout the bow.

You decided to just start with the tasks. You went outside and saw pigs, sheep, chickens, a rooster and a horse. You hadn't notice them yesterday. It was quite hot outside so lifting the feed bags was quite hard, but you did finish it. You then decided to water the plants, wash the dishes and clean the whole house. It wasn't too difficult but you were definitely not used to it.

You took a little rest before you decided to get ready to deliver the note. You knew the kingdom quite well so you knew what the quickest way was to your destination. You put your hair into a ponytail and took the bow and the arrows with you. You put the note and some apples into your bag.

"Akela, are you ready to go for a ride?" you asked the horse while patting him. Akela was happy to see you. He was quick to like you. "Let's hope we won't need to use the bow." you said to Akela while you hopped on. "Let's go Akela." you said and started to go towards the forest.

You made Akela slow down because you heard some unusual rustling. You looked everywhere but didn't see anything or anyone so you made Akela pick up the pace a bit. A little further into the distance you saw some men who were trying to steal something out of a carriage of an older man. You stopped Akela and took the bow. You didn't intend to hit one of the men, you just wanted to scare them off. You were pretty good at archery since you had to learn some sort of self defense for if it was ever needed, so you could easily scare them off by missing.

You shot the arrow right before the eyes of one of the three men. You could tell that they got scared because they made their horses stop walking. They looked around. You had eye contact with one of them. "Let's get her." you heard one of them in the distance. You immediately made Akela pick up the pace.



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