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A week after the wedding

POV Felix

''Why has he been coming here this whole week?'' I asked Arnell. ''I suppose that he's interested in how the queen is doing so far. You see, they used to be close friends.'' Arnell said. ''Well she's a queen now, doesn't he realize that she has no time for this at all.'' I upsetly said. ''Your majesty there's no need to get jealous.'' he said and laughed. ''Me? Jealous? I certainly am not.'' I said and walked away from him.

POV Alaric

''Let me show you something. I'm sure you'd like it.'' I said as I grabbed Y/n's hand. ''Let's do it quickly, I've still got a lot to do.'' Y/n said. She obviously didn't have any idea of what was going to happen. ''Why are you smirking? What are you thinking about?'' she asked. ''Nothing special.'' I quickly answered. ''You're still the same.'' she quietly said but I heard it.

POV Felix

''WHERE IS THE QUEEN?!'' I panicly asked. She hadn't been back for a few hours now. It's already dark outside and she's with THAT guy. If Alaric did something to my precious Y/n, he will be punished for it. I'll make sure of that. 

''Your majesty!'' the general yelled as he walked into the great hall. ''Not now.'' I said as I was thinking about what could've happened to Y/n. ''Orenell is being attacked!'' the general then said. ''Where and how?'' I asked, now fully focused on the general. ''The east side,  by serveral kingdoms.'' he answered. ''Send all the soldiers, right now.'' I said. 

''Family, stay here. I shall return soon.'' I said to my mother, my dad and my in-laws as I quickly followed the general. A war had been started.



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