Chapter 8

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                                                                    Riding With A Sprained Ankle

I woke up and yawned. I noticed that Forest was still sleeping by my head still. I had a full sized bed and it was very specious! I sat up and rubbed my eyes. I grabbed my crutches and hobbled over to my door. I opened my door and hobbled to Amber's room. I was still in my bedtime clothes but I didn't mind since it looked like normal clothes. I opened Amber's room door and saw she was still asleep. I went back to my room and shut my door. I locked my door and locked my other two doors that separated Kristy's and Kelly's rooms from mine. I picked out a good Western outfit and braided my hair into a braid ponytail. I put on my left boot, I didn't put my right boot on because of my ankle. I put on my cowgirl hat and grabbed Forest's leash. I unlocked all my doors and went into the hallway. I shut my main door and locked it. I put my key in my jeans' pocket. I went down to the barn, I put Forest in the puppy/dog pen and unleashed her. I went to FreeRein's stall. I hobbled to the stall door and opened it. I put his halter on and then tethered him to the outside of his stall door. I hobbled to the station where I grabbed FreeRein's grooming kit. I set the kit down on a little shelf that was in front of his stall. I grabbed his long brush and groomed him down. Next I combed his main and brushed his tail out. I picked his hooves and then braided his own main, I did the same with his tail. I fed him breakfast. I had to wait until 8:30am until breakfast, and it was only 7:30am! I had woken up at 6:30am. I put FreeRein back in his stall and shut the door tight. I took out Harmony and tethered her to the outside of her stall. I picked up Rein's grooming kit and hobbled back to the station, where I put it away again, I took Harmony's grooming kit and took it to her stall. I set the kit down on her little shelf in front of her stall. I grabbed Harmony's long brush and brushed her down until she was sparkling. I combed her main and brushed her tail. I picked her hooves and then braided her main and tail. I fed her and put her back in her stall. I shut her stall door and heard Kelly scream.

"Kelly?" I asked. Looking around for her, "Where are you!" I said, worriedly. Kelly ran up to me and then hugged me.

"You were gone!" Kelly said, "Why did you leave?!" She said, kinda screaming. I looked at her in confusion. 

"I was taking care of Forest and my two horses." I said to her. She didn't seem to believe me.

"Did you find her!" Kristy screamed. Bradley and Kristy ran up to me and Kelly. "Where did you go?!??"

"I was taking care of my puppy and horses." I said.

"Girls, At least she's safe. Now, it's breakfast time so get going! It's croissants and bacon, ham, and cheddar cheese." Bradley said. Kristy and Kelly helped me hobble to the dinning hall. We ate breakfast. I had a croissant sandwich. It had a croissant, sausage, ham, cheddar cheese, and bacon on the side. I also had milk for my drink that morning. I was stuffed and ready to ride. While Kelly and Kristy took care of our dishes I went down to the barn. I took FreeRein out of his stall and groomed him again. I tacked him up and led him out to the warm up ring. I had Bradley help me mount up and then he watched on the fence as I walked him around. I then trotted him in circles and finally did a smooth canter with him. He grabbed a lunge line and clipped it onto Rein's halter that I left on him. He led me and Rein into the training ring. I walked over the ground poles and trotted him over the tiny jumps. I then trotted him over the ground poles and cantered him over the tiny jumps, then I cantered him over the ground poles and walked him over the tiny jumps. I trotted him around the arena and then cooled him out in the ring. Bradley reigned me in and led me into the warm up ring again. He showed me how to post with one leg. I had to use my right hand on the horn and push up with my left leg and right hand.

"That's how you post with only one good leg." Bradley said to me. I noticed Kelly and Kristy running up and climbing over the fence and running over to me and Bradley.

"Woho!" Kelly exclaimed, "How do you post like that? With only one leg!" Kel gushed. Kristy nodded, wondering.

"Bradley showed me how to post with my right hand and left leg, isn't it cool?" I said, I was smiling. Kelly and Kristy nodded and grinned.

"Let's go get our horses, Kristy!" Kelly said. They both ran to the barn and came back 15 minutes later with their horses. Kel had her Palomino named Pinto and Kristy had her only horse Chestnut. They warmed up and then Bradley gave us a private lesson in the arena on the small jumps.

"Ruby?" Bradley asked me.

"Yeah?" I said, looking at him.

"The doctor said you can take off your brace in a week, well six days. After you get it off I can give you, Kelly, and Kristy private lessons." Bradley said, looking at me. I nodded and smiled.

"I'd like that." I said. It would be amazing to jump again.

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