Chapter 13

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                                                                                          The Foal

It was months later and I was rich (Sorta) And the foal had been born at 4:00am in the morning! It's Friday and the foal is a girl and I named her L izzy. Mom and Amber had gone back to sleep and FreeRein was in the paddock with the new foal and Harmony. The foal was white with a black line on her back, a black muzzle and black socks. She was gorgeous and Amelia wanted to have her but I said I wasn't giving her up. I walked to the small barn and got Harmony's and FreeRein's breakfast. I walked back out carrying the food and put it in the assigned buckets. The foal was sleeping on the ground and I organized the extra set of tack and grooming kit. I grabbed the three grooming kits and grabbed two lead ropes. I caught FreeRein and tethered him to the fence and hooked up the grooming kit to the fence and did the same with Harmony and her grooming kit. I set Lizzy's grooming kit on the ground and she stood up walking over to me. I groomed her coat but it was all wooly and hard to clean. I groomed Harmony and FreeRein and then put the kits away. I grabbed FreeRein's tack and tacked him up. I led him to the open arena and pulled the reins over his head and then mounted up. I walked him around and around and then did the same with trotting and cantering. I jumped him and after a two hour workout I cooled him up and then untacked him. I groomed him over again and then put him back in the paddock. I did a light ride for Harmony and then repeated everything like I did with FreeRein. I made sure everyone had everything and then went inside and had breakfast. Mom and Amber had just gotten up and mom made toast and grape juice and also eggs. I ate breakfast and since I was already up I Emailed Kelly about her coming over with Phoenix and then cleaned my room and then went back outside. I played around with Lizzy. I noticed Kelly riding up and then dismounting after pulling her horse up. She tethered Phoenix to the paddock fence and snuck in. She "Oohed" and "Ahhed" Over Lizzy.

"You like her?" I asked Kel. She nodded and stroked Lizzy's back. "Let's get Phoenix in here too!" I said, and we both got up and slipped out of the paddock. I grabbed Harmony's grooming kit while Kelly untacked Phoenix and put the tack away inside. I groomed her down and Kelly led Phoenix inside the paddock, where she unclipped her lead rope and put it on the side of the fence.


After playing with Lizzy for three hours she finally tired and fell asleep on the dirt ground. Harmony decided to take a nap too but FreeRein wanted to be ridden. I grabbed his lead and clipped it on. Kelly did the same with Phoenix and I opened the gate and led FreeRein through, next came Kelly and I shut it tight behind her. I tethered him to the fence and we groomed our horses again and then retacked them. I led FreeRein to the side of the road making sure to hold the reins under his chin. I pulled the reins over his head and Kelly did the same. We both mounted at the same time and giggled. We warmed our horses up by riding them down the long road. There was Jannet, Goldie, and Marry at their houses side by side with their horses.

"Hey!" Jannet called out. We pulled our horses to a halt and waved.

"Hey. What are you guys doing?" I asked them. They explained how they were gonna go for a ride and I said we should go together. We were all warmed up and raced each other to the pond, jumping over logs too. We all pulled up at the edge of the pond and dismounted, pulling the reins over our horses heads. I led FreeRein, with his reins held under his chin, over to the shallow part of the pond and cooled him out then tied him in a shady part under the trees. I loosened his girth and then waded into the pond. I swam into the pond and onto a huge rock. Kelly, Marry, Jannet, and Goldie swam over to me too. We talked and talked and then we swam back to shore and opened our saddle bags and took out our lunches. We ate while wading in the pond. Well it was more like a creek but still. I drank my grape juice and ate my sandwiches. Next I put my lunch stuff back into my saddle bags and then untethered FreeRein and led him by the reins into the pond where we waded in the shallow. The girls did the same then I broke away and led him back to the shady spot and untacked him except his reins and bridle. I led him into the shallow aain and then mounted up. I swam him around the pond and we had a blast. The girls followed suit. After a couple hours Amber came riding up and crying. I dismounted Rein and pulled him out of the pond and then retacked him.  

"What's wrong!" I called to Amber. She explained how Amelia took Harmony and Lizzy. My eyes widened and the other girls quickly tacked up. I mounted up and all six of us galloped home. I checked the paddock to make sure then I rode Rein in the tree grove with the other five girls. We came to Amelia's farm and I saw her truck was gone and there were my horses. I dismounted FreeRein in the tree grove and I gave the reins to Amber who was still mounted. The other girls waited for me and I crept over to Harmony and Lizzy. I untethered both of them and grabbed their lead ropes. I led them back to the girls and took FreeRein's reins and led the three back home to the paddock with the others. I put Harmony and Lizzy in the paddock with a padlock and then untacked and groomed FreeRein. Amber and Kelly did the same. I put FreeRein into the paddock and Amber and Kelly did the same. Jannet, Goldie, and Marry did the same as us after asking me and then we all played around. I led Harmony and Lizzy into the barn and into their stall then tied it shut so no one but me and Kelly could get in. Amber put her pony in the barn and me, Kelly, Marry, Goldie, and Jannet went inside and to my room where I could see what was happening in the yard where the horses were. Amber was with mom and Forest was in her crate asleep. We played with toy horses and read books on horses. I noticed Amelia coming back and pulling into her driveway. I beckoned everyone to watch with me as I was making sure everyone's horses were fine. I saw Amelia hitch up and float to her truck and got back in. She, to my horror, was driving to my house. I got mom and everyone else including Amber outside. Me and Kelly got the video cam footage while Amber stayed quiet in the barn and my three friends guarded the horses in the paddock. While mom talked with Amelia. I saw Bradley coming and I reached him before Amelia could see him. I explained everything to him and he guarded Harmony and Lizzy in the barn too, with Amber. Amelia started searching our farm for the foal and mare. But mom knew it was my horse so I didn't worry too much. I crept back to mom with the footage and Kelly. We, me and mom and Kel, followed Amelia to the paddock then the warm up ring then the flat ring and then to the barn where I sucked in my breath. Amber and Bradley were cleaning out Beach's stall and saw we were coming but pretended nothing was happening. Amelia reached Harmony's and Lizzy's stall where she said,

"There! Those are my horses!"

"No they aren't," I said unhappily. "You gave me Harmony and used my horse to get Harmony pregnant and then I got Harmony and then I got the foal since both horses are mine!" I said, ready to fight. She glowered at me but turned and got back in her truck and drove away. I grabbed FreeRein's lead rope and opened his stall then clipped it on and led him to the station then started grooming him. I used the long brush and brushed him down then combed out his main and brushed out his tail, I picked his hooves and then tacked him up. I grabbed his reins and held them under his chin and then led him out to the warm up ring. Kelly, Marry, Jannet, and Goldie did the same. We mounted up and warmed up. Amber wanted to ride so she came with us on her bay pony. Mom agreed to watch the barn and she set up video cameras and then mom said she'd make us dinner and that all the girls could stay for dinner and a sleepover. So we rode and rode to a special trail.

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