Chapter 5

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                                                                                    My New Horse!

"Training is done for that mustang right now!" Bradley called to me.

"Alright!" I called back, happy we had had a good training session, "She did so well!" I called to Bradley. I cooled her out and dismounted. I led Harmony to the station and untacked her. She was sweating, so I hosed her down and then grabbed the sweat tool and used it to dry her off. Next I grabbed the long brush and groomed her with it, I then combed her main out and brushed her tail as well. I picked her hooves and then I led her back to her stall, I put her in the stall. I took FreeRein out next to give him a good run. Mom had hired some men to come down and build four more stalls onto the tiny barn. They had come a couple days ago and now they were completely done! Amber didn't want another pony, but I had two horses. I groomed and tacked up FreeRein. I led him by the reins to the flat/open arena and mounted up. I walked him around and around until he was limber. I practiced barrel racing with FreeRein. Bradley watched us and started to say something. "You're really good! Both of you I mean!" He called, blushing. Did he like me? I liked him, but was the feeling mutual? No, it couldn't be, but maybe...? I took him around again and he went even faster than before! He was great! I loved him, he was a great horse to have. FreeRein was fast, strong, and great in jumping! Bradley told us to go out of the arena and let him set up a jumping course. I came back into the arena and saw the course, it wasn't too bad of a course, and didn't have a lot of jumps. Mom came out then and told me that tomorrow me, Kelly, and Amber will be starting at the academy. Bradley told me that he was going there tomorrow too. I told him that I was bringing my puppy Forest and my two horses, FreeRein & Harmony. And that Kelly was bringing her puppy Oak, and her two horses, Phoenix & and a new blue roan named Pearl! And that Amber was bringing her pony Beach.

"Wow. I'm only going cause I work there." He said.

"Cool. I have to go in now and pack. Thanks for teaching me." I said and dismounted. I led Rein into the station and untacked him, then I groomed him and put him back in his stall. I fed both horses their lunch. I grabbed out two duffle bags, one was blue and the other was red, with the blue one I packed Rein's stuff in it, everything except his tack. With the red one I put all of Harmony's stuff in it except the tack. With their tack I put it in tack boxes and put everything in the storage part of the float. I cleaned up the courses and went inside where I fed Forest and went up to my room. I pulled my suitcase out of the closet and put it on my bed, it lay there open and I started putting all my clothes inside, next I put all my toiletries and put some books and my iPod inside. I put an extra pair of boots inside as well and put a horse stuffed animal in. I put a picture frame of me and dad in too. I was all packed by the time mom called lunch. I zipped up the suitcase and carried it downstairs, I loaded it into the car and went inside

to go eat. I ate lunch, which was a sandwich with apple juice, and mom went outside and hitched up the float... It was the evening and I had finished my extra homework and ate dinner. I watched a movie on my laptop and then it was time to get ready for bed. I changed into my PJ's and brushed my teeth, I said goodnight to everyone and put Forest in her kennel for the night, I got in bed, turned out the lamp and fell asleep.

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