Chapter 15

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                                                                                        Moving :(

Saturday came and went like the others. We're all packed up and ready to go to Utah. I'm saying my goodbyes to Goldie, Jannet, Marry, Kelly, and Bradley. I hug Kelly and then kiss Bradley, And now my goodbyes are done. I feel like crying. Kelly passed me a present and I quickly opened it. I see a friendship necklace and journal. I look up and see Kelly crying, I start crying and I give her a gift. She opens it to see a friendship necklace and a notebook. We hug again and I put my journal in my backpack and put my necklace on. Kelly puts her necklace on and holds her notebook tight. Amber gets into the car and buckles up, shutting her car door. I get in the car and start crying and shut the door. Mom gets in the car and starts it up. I roll down my window and grabs Bradley's hand.

"Bradley. What are we going to do?" I asked, he shook his head to answer he has no idea. Mom says we have to go now so I roll up my window crying harder. Mom drives off and I try to stop crying. I take out my phone and plug in my headphones. I turn on my music and journal. I write about how I'm moving and how my life seems to be upside down. I finish journaling and start drawing.


We reached a gas station after five hours and I get out and went inside with my money. I buy skittles, lifesavers, an icee, gum, chips, and a soda. I got into the car after going to the bathroom and buying snacks and set everything up. It would take a couple days to get where we are going. I was very bored and didn't know what to do. I had drawn, listened to all my music, ETC, the only thing I hadn't done yet was play games on the iPad. So I turned on the iPad and played some horse games and, one of my all time favorites, WildCraft! I finished playing after I leveled up all my animals to level 200. I set everything down and set up a little napping nook and then fell asleep.


We got to a friends' house and stayed there that night. And the next morning at 6:00am we drove off again and we were halfway to Utah. I couldn't wait till we got there but wish my friends weren't far away from me. I missed them all so much! I looked behind me and tried to see how the horses/pony were doing. I wanted to nap so I turned on an audiobook on headphones and fell asleep... again. I woke again and turned on my phone. I selected messages and decided to text Kelly and Bradley. I made a group text for Marry, Jannet, Goldie, and Kelly. Then another with all the girls and Bradley. And then non groups for them too. I texted Kelly this,

'Hey Kel! Miss ya tons!! We're about half way to Utah! I wish you could've moved with me but I know you couldn't have. I've journaled once since I've left. Been busy with rest stops, organizing, and staying with friends at night. It's 5:00pm and mom says that we'll reach a super good restaurant for dinner at 6:30pm! It has burgers and milkshakes. And once we've eaten dinner mom says we'll have to leave the place at 7:00pm and we'll reach our aunts house at 7:30pm. I'll text more soon!'

I sent it and it said she saw it. There was bubbles and then they left. They came back again and then a happy face emoji popped up and I knew she was happy. I texted Bradley too,

'Hey Bradley! Miss ya! I hope we can visit soon! Almost in Utah!! But heading to dinner and aunt's house soon for the night. Mom says we'll arrive in Utah at 11:00am tomorrow. And she says it'll take about 15-30 minutes to get to our nice house!' I sent the text and knew he had seen it. I group texted the girls. I had created another group of only Marry, Jannet, and Goldie. I texted,

'Hey ya girls! Almost at dinner and at my aunt's house. Staying with aunt for the night and get up again at 6:00am and reach Utah by 11:00am take 15-30 minutes till we get to our new house. Dats all girls!' I sent it and they all responded with a smiley face and thumbs up. I turned on another audiobook and turned off my phone. I read and read and read until 6:30 when mom said we were there. We all got out of the car and headed into the building. We all ordered burgers and milkshakes. After eating we went to the car again and I let Forest out and she peed again. I put her back and we all got back in the car again. Mom drove off and we reached my aunt's house by 7:30pm like mom said. We unloaded the horses and fed them and I groomed FreeRein. After that I went to a spare bedroom and put Forest away and crawled into bed. So tired I fell asleep in two minutes.


The next morning we all packed up again, ate breakfast, and got into the car and drove off. I woke up a couple hours after 6:00am so that put me at 11:00am. Mom found a rest stop and we all climbed out. We all got more snacks and went to the bathrooms. We all went back to the car and dropped everything off. I took Forest out of her crate for the first time that day. She peed and pooped and I put her back in the crate. I took out FreeRein and mom took Harmony out andAmber took Beach out. We let them do their business and then I put FreeRein back in and fed him. Mom and Amber did the same with the others and I took the foal out and let her do her stuff and then put her back in the float. After everything we all got in the car again and Amber settled in again. But before mom drove off I set up a comfy spot. I had the whole middle part of the car to myself! With Forest of course. I put all my snacks that had to be in a cold place in my cooler along with my drinks. Then I put my backpack under my seat and stacked all my entertainment stuff in an organized bin. I then made sure I had my pillows and blankets and stuffed animal in a comfy spot. I made sure Forest's crate was comfy too. Amber got organized too and so did mom with our own coolers. After that we all buckled and mom started the car. I laid down in the seats and we all, except for mom, took naps. After a good nap of two and a half hours put us at 2:00pm. I ate a sandwich and drank some 7up. I switched my audiobook and played games on the iPad. After playing games and eating I turned on music and took out Forest. She nestled in my lap and fell asleep. I kept petting her while she slept. I was kinda bored but knew that we'd be there soon, and I couldn't wait!

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