Chapter 1

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When you were seven years old, you, your parents, and your sister were in a car heading back to your home. You had fallen asleep sometime during the ride, too little and too young to keep your eyes open that late at night. The road was dark and the sky was pitched black because of the absence of the moonlight. The only light was coming from the headlights of the car your father drove.

Your sister, who would be sixteen soon, sat next to you. She was wide awake as her eyes wandered from window to window during the ride home. When she caught sight of something strange in the distance, she nudged you awake. Your eyes opened slowly to look up at her. She pointed outside as she spoke to you in a gentle voice to accommodate your sleepiness. "What's that?"

You looked up to see what she was pointed at. You saw a strange...thing standing in the road. It wasn't moving as the car approached. Your father muttered under his breath, "What the...?"

"Daddy, what's that?" you asked. He didn't answer, just honked his horn at the thing to get it out of the road. The car got too close and the thing wasn't moving. Your father stepped on the brakes, causing everyone to jerk forward from the sudden stop.

He looked out of the windshield to see what was in front of the car. At first, all he saw was...a suit and tie? He looked closer and his eyes traveled up as he saw it. A creature...some sort of monster.

Your mother looked up at it and let out a shrill scream. Her scream spread across the car and made you and your sister join in. The roof of the car was suddenly peeled off as you all looked up to see the creature that had done it.

The monster was tall and skinny. Its legs and arms (more than there were supposed to be) were long and pitched black. You almost couldn't see it in the dark of the night. It wore a black suit, the only color being its blood red tie.

The creature with no face suddenly roared, a mouth forming on its face and taking over the whole of it with razor sharp teeth. You screamed and ducked, getting to the floor of the car as you tried to hide from the thing.

Your father yelled as he was picked up by the monster. Your sister covered you, hovering her body over your to protect you like a shield. You could feel her frightened tears dripping onto your back as you shook under her.

Your mother's high pitched screaming filled the air before suddenly being replaced by a choking sound. That sound was soon followed by another roar and a heavy thud before silence settled again. You thought it was over when silence was all that was heard.

Your sister looked up to see if the creature was gone before her weight suddenly lifted off of you completely. You screamed and cried as you stayed tucked on the ground. She screamed your name before she was abruptly silenced.

There was another roar. Fear surged through you as you let out another scream, tears staining your face. Something inside of you burst then, some feeling that had been so little inside of you, and now it was overwhelming as it made your entire body tingle. Something sprouted from your back, something big that wrapped around your body as its own shield. As if that wasn't enough, another more light and fluttery feeling was now surrounding that.

The monster banged its many arms on top of the shield, never actually touching you. This carried on for another few moments before it gave up with a roar, bounding back into the forest that surrounded you and the road you were on.

You were like that for hours, shaking under your two sets of shields before they dropped from exhaustion and you passed out. When you awoke, it was daytime once again, and you were lying inside of the wrecked car.

There was a noise and you opened your eyes to see where it was coming from. You saw police cars as their sirens wailed and filled the empty air. When you looked around yourself, more tears and screams filled you when you saw the bodies of your family. Your sister was closest to you, her body was limp and bloodied. She had five wounds in her chest like she'd been impaled by slender poles. There were claw marks on your parents bodies, deep and large.

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