Chapter 10

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You woke in your room later that day. You took a deep breath in, the first thing you did was reach for your Jasper. But you didn't feel him in your arms. You sat up instantly, bolting up and out of the bed as you searched your tiny room for your friend.

You searched the room for what felt like hours, breaking down in the corner of your room when you couldn't find him. You hadn't been separated from him in nine years.

You were curled in the corner of your room, you hadn't heard the door open as someone stepped in to see you. The person sat in front of you, you sighed and looked up to see them. You gave a weak smile when you saw Illyana, her legs crossed and her head tilted a little.

"I brought someone," she said, holding up your friend. You instantly reached out and grabbed him, holding him to your chest. "Jasper," you whispered, holding him closer.

You calmed and pulled your knees under you, opening up a bit more as you set him in your lap. Illyana smiled gently, "Are you okay?"

You shrugged and looked away. It was quiet for a moment before you spoke in a slight whisper, "I saw it."

"Leviathan?" she asked. You nodded. She looked down at her hands, "I saw them."

"The Smiling Men," you said. She nodded. You sighed, your eyes clenching shut before admitting, "I also saw this...this necklace around Dani's neck. It was the necklace my sister was wearing when she..."

You sighed, Illyana understood. She stood then after a long silence, holding her hand out for you to take. You put your hand in hers, grabbing it a little tighter as you stood to your feet. You gave her hand a light squeeze and told her, "Thank you for bringing Jasper back to me."

You held him in one hand. She smiled and pulled you into a hug, "Thank you for stepping up for me. Again." She pulled away a little and chuckled, "Dani said you tried to kill her when I got knocked out."

You nodded, "I did... and I'd do it again."

Illyana's lips twitched in one corner and she asked gently, "Why?"

You looked down at your hands, then at Jasper. When your eyes dragged back up to look into hers, you could feel yourself tuning into her emotions. You could feel the wave-like feelings on her, they were curious but also hopeful. She was calm and she was waiting. The more you thought about it, the more you could feel your own emotions in hers. It was like they mixed. You sighed and said, "I just... I like you. More than a friend."

She smirked a little, but it turned into a genuine smile. She pulled you into a hug again. Your arms tightened around her as you held her. It had been so long since you had a proper hug from anyone who wasn't Jasper. It felt nice. Strange, but nice.

When she pulled back, she pulled you into a very surprising, very catching-you-off-guard kiss. It took you a moment to calm into it before she pulled away again. "I like you too," she said.

She sat with you a little while longer before pulling you out of the room. You were hesitant at first, terrified that that thing would still be lurking through the halls. But Illyana pulled you in her arms and promised that you would protect each other. She pulled you to the kitchen where Roberto was reluctantly washing dishes, as always. He was only reluctant because of what had happened only a few hours earlier.

He served each of you a bowl of stew he managed to whip up. "To the crazy ones," he said, giving each of you a wink.

"You're so kind," you replied with a smile. He flashed a smirk and the two of you ate while you talked to Roberto. He was good company, even if he was a douchebag sometimes.

After finally eating for the first time all day, you both found yourselves going to the game room. Buffy was on, just as it was everyday. You sat next to Illyana and read while she colored. Rahne soon joined you all.

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