Chapter 12

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Somewhere down the hall, far away from that demon bear trying to kill all of you, you all stopped for breath. Rahne still had Dani, who was still knocked out, in her arms. "It's hunting us," Roberto said quietly.

"No, it's hunting Dani," Rahne said as she held her.

"Why?" Sam asked, his back was pressed against the wall. Rahne responded, "Because that's what she fears. Come on. Help me." Sam helped her pick up Dani again so that you all could continue moving. You could hear the bear beginning to get closer once again.

The building shook and you all stumbled to the ground, the bear roaring and clawing the building in the distance. Illyana spoke then, "Get Dani to a safe place, and I'll take care of this bear."

She stood and you watched as she turned swiftly and commanded something in Latin. A large portal to this beautiful-looking place appeared. She started walking over to it before she turned and looked at you with a smirk, "Well? Are you coming, Y/N?"

You turned to Rahne and the boys, "You got this here?" They gave you reassuring nods and you nodded back, standing and joining Illyana's side. You both started walking slowly toward the portal. Rahne asked suddenly, "What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to play with it. Get her out of here," Illyana replied with a smirk as her sword slowly formed from her hand after the armour morphed onto her skin. It touched the ground and with a loud screech, it began to split the floor with blue magic.

Sam yelled, "Are you crazy? That thing'll kill you!"

"He's right. It's magic," Rahne told her. Illyana turned then, "So am I." Her eyes flashed blue as she smirked.

Your wings opened once again ,your eyes flashing purple. Your nails turned to talon-like claws and the feathers on your wings spread almost over your shoulders. You were surprised to see silver arm braces and a silver armour neck plate, both decorated with amethysts. Your smirk widened and you looked at Illyana.

Roberto stood and ran over as he tried to stop you both, instead you turned and went through the portal before he could reach you. You both stepped out and were in the field outside. It was dark and snowing. You paused and looked over your shoulder when you suddenly felt something there. You smiled widely when you saw Jasper, but instead of a stuffed animal, he was a live, larger-than-most owl with magnificent feathers and wings. He let out a soft "hoo" as he ruffled his Feathers a little.

"Hello, Jasper," Illyana smirked. He practically bowed to her as he spread his wings in a dip. You chuckled lightly and moved your head as his long wings spread in front your face. You saw the purple dragon Illyana's shoulder and smirked a little, "Hello, Lockheed." He chittered in reply.

Illyana then turned her attention to the demon bear (that was bigger than you thought). "Hey, Yogi!" she yelled to grab its attention. Jasper spread his wings and was in the air with a screech. The bear moved away from the building with a loud thump, his eyes on you all. "Lions and tigers and bears. Oh, my," Illyana muttered. She turned to her dragon, "Right, Lockheed?" He chittered softly.

The bear roared. You kissed Illyana's cheek before following Jasper's lead, flying into the air with one sweep of your wings. Illyana and Lockheed's eyes grew blue and they charged. You let out a breath and gathered your magic in your hands until you had a bundle of it. You then began to try and shape it (not without difficulty) and were able to turn it a sword. It wasn't as grand as Illyana's, but it glew purple and flowed like flames.

"Let's go, Jasper!" you announced to him. He screeched loudly, the high-pitched sound piercing through the air. You could faintly hear his agreeing words in the background.

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