Chapter 4

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"Yesterday I told you to think about the first time your mutation manifested," Reyes said at the meeting the next day. You sat with Jasper in your lap, petting his fluff as you barely listened.

"Would anyone like to share?" she asked. There was silence. No one answered. No one wanted to answer. Especially you.

"Sam?" she asked, turning her gaze on him. He looked up at her and then looked away uncomfortably. "Illyana?"

She turned to Reyes, turning her puppet to her and shaking its head as her answer. "Roberto?" she asked. He shifted uncomfortably in his seat, avoiding eye contact with her.

"Rahne?" She shook her head and hummed lightly, looking down at her hands. She turned to you last, "Y/N?" You looked over at her through the corner of your eye. You turned your head away from her, moving Jasper to look the same way.

Reyes sighed, "Look, we can't help each other unless we talk to each other. I've said this a hundred times. This program can't help you if you refuse to participate. So, Rahne, why don't you start?"

She fidgeted with her hands. You could sense her immense discomfort and it was putting you on more of an edge than you needed to be. Reyes obviously didn't like it when your eyes turned colors, and she had expressed how you weren't allowed to use your powers inside so you really didn't need to be on edge.

Rahne sighed, "I..." She was cut off by the screeching of the door opening. You looked over curiously to see a girl standing there. Reyes told her gently, "Please join us, Dani. This is our new patient, Danielle Moonstar."

Roberto started laughing. The name was unusual... But he stopped when Reyes gave him a disapproving look, "Oh, it's serious." Dani sat down in an open chair hesitantly, sinking in her seat.

Just what you needed: more discomfort. "Let's do our best to make her feel at home. Go ahead, Rahne."

You turned back to Jasper as she started speaking. It was silent for a moment before she finally answered, "Right." You had learned more of their powers last night with Illyana, with the exception of Roberto and the other newbie, of course. Rahne had lycanthropy, she could turn into a wolf. Sam could blast off, he was like a cannonball. Illyana had a very unique ability: she could traveled between dimensions, a dimension she and her puppet made up called 'Limbo'. It fascinated you.

Rahne sighed, "I was 13. I remember running through the woods."

"How did you feel?" Reyes asked.

"Free. Like, the most free I'd felt my whole life. But...guilty, too." You glanced at her. You could feel her emotions as she remembered what it was like the first time she used her powers.

"Why guilty?" Reyes asked.

"Because I knew it was bad... I went to Reverend Craig to see if he could pray it out of me. He asked me to show him, so I changed."

"And what did Reverend Craig do?"

Her emotions had grown strong in that moment. She was scared and filled with this sadness. You swallowed hard as her emotions grew inside of you. You grasped Jasper a little tighter.

She hesitated, "He beat me about half to death. Said I was a witch...that I was going to Hell." She sighed heavily as she bit back the tears that threatened to fill her eyes. You had to control your own urge to let your own tears fall as her emotions filled you. You pulled Jasper to your chest.

"Would anyone else like to share their first time?" Reyes asked. She glanced over at you, "What about you, Y/N?"

You looked over at her, your breathing almost stopped as you practically glared. You shook your head firmly, turning to look out of the window. Illyana spoke and distracted Reyes from making you share when you clearly didn't want to and weren't willing to.

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