Chapter 5

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"Control," Reyes muttered as she told you all the breathe. You laid down on your mat rather than follow her instructions. Everyone else listened besides you and Illyana. You hated meditation and the last thing you needed to do was have your eyes closed around a person you didn't trust.

"Control," she repeated. You glanced at Illyana. She smirked, pointing at Reyes. Your lips quirked into a smirk and she made a circle with her hand, moving it back and forth in front of her mouth in a suggestive gesture.

You snorted, covering your mouth. Apparently Roberto had seen too, he was peeking out of his eyes. He snickered, quickly straightening up and stifling a laugh.

"And...control," Reyes said, a slower sigh as she opened her eyes and looked between you, Illyana, and Roberto. "Is there something you would like to share?" She turned to her, "Illyana?" Illyana just glanced at you with that same smile on her face.

"Roberto?" she questioned, turning to him. He looked down at his lap. She turned to you last, "Y/N?" You tried and failed to hide your grin as you shook your head. She told you, "I should hope not."

You turned back to Illyana, smirking at her. Reyes sighed and turned back to everyone else to continue the meeting.


You sat on the couch with Illyana. She was talking with Lockheed, you were just sitting with Jasper with a book in your hands. She looked over when she saw Dani enter the room. She sat up on the couch, making it dip slightly. You looked over as well.

"Hey, Standing Rock," she said, "You want a buffalo wing? You people love buffalo, don't you?" You looked up at herm muttering, "Illyana."

She glanced at you and smirked, "What? Harmless question." She turned back to Dani. Sam looked over, "Jesus, Illy, will you just leave her alone?"

"No," Dani said, "It's okay. 'Standing Rock', that's a good one." She started walking over and you set your book to the side, adjusting Jasper so he sat at the edge of the couch to look at everyone.

"More original than 'Pocahontas'. That was huge in fifth grade. You don't scare me." You titled your head, your eyes flashing purple as you stared. You never had many friends before and now that you did, you didn't like them being mistreated, and challenges were a form in your book.

You could sense her anger. She wasn't lying when she said she wasn't afraid. She was just pissed off. But that didn't mean you were scared. Illyana just seemed slightly impressed. Slightly.

"My told me about bitches like you," she said.

"Did he tell you to be one too?" you quipped, tilting your head as you watched her. Illyana glanced at you with a smirk and then back at Dani, who had been glaring at you.

"Well here," Illyana said, raising Lockheed, "Why don't you show us on the puppet where Daddy touched you?" Dani looked at the puppet, snatching him from Illyana. "Lockheed!" She jumped over the couch, followed by you.

"Hey, guys, come on!" Sam said.

She went to grab Lockheed, yelling as she tried to get to him back. Dani yelled, "You keep my father's name out of your mouth, bitch!" Sam grabbed a hold of Illyana, pulling her off of Dani as Roberto shoved her the other way, pushing them apart.

"You don't know anything about me," Dani said, rushing back over to Illyana. "Dani, step away," you warned, you eyes shifting purple.

"Do you know anything? Sixteen years old and doesn't even know her power. Seems like that mutant period should've kicked in by now." Illyana shoved Dani away.

"Leave her alone!" Rahne yelled.

"Yo, hold up," Sam said.

"Illyana," you yelled, picking up Lockheed and setting him on the side table with Jasper. "I'm helping her. This is therapy!" He shoved her away.

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