Chapter 8

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"Hey, Y/N," Illyana said as she stopped by your room, Roberto and Sam behind her. You looked up and she gave you a smile and gestured her head down the hall, "Come on." You smiled slowly as you stood, clipping Jasper to your belt loop and following them.

You all went to get Dani and Rahne before heading down to Reyes' office. Illyana peaked in to see her sleeping in her chair. Rahne asked quietly, "What did you do to her?"

"I may have spiked her tea," Illyana chuckled in a whisper. You all slowly started chuckling silently as she walked back down the hall, each of you peaking in the room to see Reyes sleeping away. Roberto muttered something to Sam and he nodded with a large smile as they took off down the hall. Rahne dragged Dani away as you went with Illyana.

You ran down the hall with her as she dragged you away, literally dragging you behind her with her hand wrapping around yours. "Come on!" In the next second, the two of you were up in the game room. She pulled one of the boxes that were pushed against the wall and opened it. Inside were a ton of playballs. She picked up a ball and tossed it in her hand. "Play ball?" she asked with a smirk. You smiled back at her and the two of you separated to throw around the balls.

When you weren't looking, she threw a ball at you. It hit you in the back of the head and you turned on her, rubbing the spot and laughing. "Hey, that's not fair!" you yelled at her. She turned on some music as you started playing.

"Who said the game was fair?" she quirked a brow. You picked up the ball, taking it in your hands. You squeezed it a little and it flew out of your hands as it moved on its own, an aura of purple magic surrounding it, your eyes growing from the use of your powers.

You picked up more of the balls and tossed one of them in the air. "We're not playing fair, you say?" you asked, a raised brow at her. You threw one of the balls at her with your magic, taking the next ones quickly and throwing them her way as well.

She covered her head with her hands as the objects came at her. She looked back up at you, picking up one of the balls with a smirk. You now had no weapons of your own. "Oh shit," you muttered. You covered yourself with your arms as she threw the first ball, shielding yourself from the blow.

You picked up one of them as she continued throwing them at you and soon the two of you were just throwing balls at each other, music coursing through the halls joined with laughter and the sounds of balls hitting walls and people. You had to admit to the balls breaking a few things.

Soon Illyana stopped as she got an idea, dodging one of the flying objects coming at her. "Wait, wait, wait," she said. She suddenly disappeared and left you standing in the hall. You stood there confused and waited, "Where did you go?"

After a few moments, she reappeared wearing one of Reyes coats. "I got into her room," she laughed. She started posing in the lab coat as you laughed. The others starting coming up to the game room where they saw you standing there. Rahne had two bowls of cereal in her hands, one of them meant for you.

As they plopped down in their seats, you sat in the open chair. Jasper was sitting on the table in front of you and you were holding your own bowl of cereal in your hands. Rahne and Dani laughed as they threw the cereal at Roberto to see if he could catch them in his mouth. You were impressed as he caught most of them.

Illyana, in the lab coat, came behind the boys as she mocked Reyes, "Indubitably, it's indisputable that you are the absolute worst mutants I've ever seen. Ergo, my superior will be very, very disappointed in me." She bent down and pressed a quick kiss to Roberto's cheek.

You chuckled and glanced down at your bowl before she continued, momentarily distracting you from your strange bit of jealousy, "I surmise that I may even receive a spanking for being so, so bad! Oh. Oh, my superior!"

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