Chapter 11

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You all ran towards Reyes' office. Rahne and Dani were already in there, Dani was struggling as she sat in the chair. "What the hell's going on?" Roberto asked, "Where's Dr. Reyes?"

"She tried to kill Dani," Rahne answered. You knew you couldn't trust Reyes, you could feel it from the beginning. Everything about her was off, her mannerisms, her emotions. Now you had proof.

"What?" Sam asked.

"That test? It wasn't a test. She tried to kill her," Rahne said, gasping as she walked around the room.

"My file," Illyana said as she picked up a random folder from a drawer. She opened it and began reading, "'Patient reviles authority. But her fragmented psyche and base hatred for humans makes her a prime candidate for the program. Conclusion: a killer with limitless potential. Recommend continued investment.'" She finished as she slammed the file into Robert's chest and moved to sit in a chair. She smiled angrily.

You wandered to the drawer and picked up your own file, it was newer than hers, obviously. You began to read it, "Patient's adapted loneliness and seclusion makes her independent, but she is protective of dear ones to the point of hostility, including execution. Her inability to control her emotions makes her instinct-based power unpredictable and dangerous. Possible termination subsequent. Conclusion: high potential through independence, overall untrustworthy subject. Further research required."

You understood what she meant about your "inability to control your emotions", you could already feel your powers burning inside of you from your rising anger. You dropped the file on the ground, moving next to as you muttered, "At least she's right about my hostility. I'm going to kill her." You needed her company to calm you before you killed anyone who wasn't Reyes by mistake.

Roberto closed the file in his hands, "Essex Corporation."

"That must have been the place I saw," Dani said.

Rahne jumped in, "She wasn't prepping us to be X-men. She was prepping us to be killers."

Dani slowly sat up, "We don't have much time before she comes back to finish the job."

Roberto spoke up, "How? This place is designed to keep us inside. All our powers, it won't work. It's hopeless."

"No, it isn't," Dani said, "We got each other out of our cages. We can get out of this."

"That's all good and well," Sam started, "But she's still got force fields around the building. The windows, everything. How you gonna get past that?"

"By taking out the source."

You almost smirked at the idea of taking out your latest abuser. Illyana spoke from in front of you, "Then let's kill the bitch." You held a hand out for Illyana, she took it and stood with you. You sighed and set your forehead against hers for a moment. You told her gently, your vicié barely above a whisper, "Don't forget what my file said. 'She is protective of dear ones to the point of hostility, including execution.' She hurt us, and she won't live for it."

Illyana smirked a little and the two of you left with the others down the hall to find Reyes. You all followed Rahne, who followed her scent. You were skiddish, your eyes searching your surroundings in the case of Leviathan appearing again. You listened for the tapping and cackling, you heard nothing but your gathered footsteps. It put you at some sort of ease.

As you all followed Rahne, there was a screeching through the PA system as Reyes' voice picked up, "Tonight, I'd like to talk about responsibility." She coughed over the mic. You all continued walking down the hall and she kept speaking, "You have a responsibility to your treatment. I want all of you to go to your rooms right now. If you disobey, or if you try to leave this facility, I have a responsibility to stop you. No matter what it takes."

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