Chapter 3

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When you woke the next morning, you grabbed your clothes and toiletries and went to the showers. You kept Jasper safely in your room, telling him that you would be back. You got turned around a few times, but finding the showers wasn't too hard.

You opened the doors and heard water pouring from one of the showerheads already. You looked inside and saw a girl standing there. She had straight, blonde hair that fell past her shoulders. She looked behind her when she heard the door opening.

Her lip turned up into a smirk before she turned back to the water as she continued to wash herself. "You must be the new girl," she said, her accented voice echoing off the walls. You hummed, stripping before going to turn on one of the showerheads.

"What's your name, newbie?" she asked.

You glanced at her, standing under the hot water as you let it release some of the tension in your body. You sighed before answering, "Y/N."

"Illyana." She smirked at you, "I'll show you around."

You looked at her. You didn't really know how to respond. So you turned back around and finished cleaning yourself up. As soon as you finished, you got dressed. She walked out of the bathroom with you behind her. You looked at a purple dragon puppet she had hanging from one of her belt loops. You tilted your head but pushed the thought to the side.

Before she could say anything, Reyes's voice came over the intercom. "It's time for our meeting."

Illyana rolled her eyes with a groan, turning back to look at you, "First, we have to go to this. Or we can shoot each other in the face and avoid it all together."

You chuckled at that. "I have to go to my room first." You turned and left to go get Jasper. You weren't going to leave him alone. Illyana walked with you, she was in no rush to go to the meeting."

You went inside of your room, picking Jasper up from your bed. You stroked the top of his head before clipping him onto your belt loop. You then left your room. Illyana gave you a curious look before showing you to the room that Dr. Reyes was waiting in with everyone else.


The meeting was long and annoying. You could see why Illyana didn't want to go, and it wasn't just because of the disdain for authority she had shown. You truly hated and you almost yelled knowing that you would have to go to them again.

Before the meeting ended, Reyes told you all, "I want you all to think about the first time your mutations manifested. You may go."

Illyana was the first to stand, then followed by you and everyone else. You were getting ready to go back to your room - you didn't really want to socialize - when Illyana turned to you, "Hey, newbie, come on."

You were still trying to figure out who to trust, if you were going to be honest. So far, she was the only person who had taken a step toward you actually trusting. No one else talked to you and there was something about Reyes that felt off.

You walked with her and you realized she was taking you to the cafeteria, "I'm sure you're hungry." Now that she mentioned it, you were hungry. You hadn't eaten yet since yesterday at lunch.

You settled for the cereal provided in the pantries. Illyana sat next to you, her own breakfast in front of her. You set Jasper on the table next to you, keeping him close. She looked at him again before turning to some of other kids in the room.

She pointed to the only other girl there, "That's Rahne, she's just a pup. She won't do anything, won't try to bother you at all." She turned her finger to the boy standing behind the counter washing dishes.

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