Chapter 6

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For the next half hour, you both sat and talked. It was nice to be outside, somewhere you could stretch and keep from being restricted. You were happy for the lack of echo in the air whenever you made a sound, happy that every time you went to move, you weren't met with more walls.

But when the thirty minutes ended, you sagged your shoulders. "What's wrong?" Illyana asked.

"I have to go meet Reyes."

"No, you can stay here," she said, "You don't have to listen to Reyes."

You looked up at her and sighed with a shrug, "Best not to risk it." You offered her a small smile and stood to your feet, clipping Jasper onto your belt loop and heading back to the main building. Once inside, you saw Reyes waiting for you, she was just heading out to find you.

"Y/N, come with me," she said, walking down the winding halls. You trailed far behind her, you didn't want to be there. But you didn't want to risk getting in trouble and going back to solitary. She stopped in front of one of the doors, using the voice command to open it. She then stepped to the side to allow you in.

You eyed her before walking in the room, looking around suspiciously. "What am I here for?" you asked.

"I'm just going to take some blood."

"Why do you need it?" you replied quickly, taking a small step back. She offered a smile, "Relax, I'm not going to hurt you. I just need to run some test. I need to see exactly what your powers are so I know the best way to help you to control it."

You shifted uncomfortably and Reyes motioned you to lie on the bed. You eyed it before doing as you were told. You laid on the bed, trying to keep your breathing calm as she came over. "Don't worry, I'm a doctor. I know what I'm doing."

"Don't we already know what my powers are?" you asked, "I have wings and explosion things."

"Well 'explosion things' doesn't exactly go into detail, now does it?" she asked with that same smile as she started. She drew the first bit of blood into a vial as she worked, keeping you talking to distract you.

"What do you think the explosions are? How do they make you feel?" she asked, glancing at you. You sighed, looking back and forth between her and your arm. "Those only started happening that day at the orphanage. I got angry and I was scared. It felt like this energy was building up inside of me. It liquid, like a hot liquid that was moving in me. At first I thought it was nerves, but it felt different."

"That sounds a lot like magic to me. Your powers respond to your emotions. If those are out of check, so is your power. What about your wings?"

You sighed, "My wings act like a protection. They always shield or defend me."

"And what about at the orphanage. That doesn't sound like defending," Reyes said softly, trying not to rile you. You looked up at her, your gaze hardening slightly as you answered, "They took Jasper from me, they ripped his foot off. I was defending my friend."

"But you almost hurt that girl."

"She tried to hurt me. She hurt my friend," you said. She sighed and backed off. There was a strange feeling in her that riled when your voice got firm. She was scared that you were going to explode again.

"What about your eyes?" she asked after a moment.

You looked away, "I don't know. I can't control my eyes. They keep changing and I can't get them to stop." Now more concern than fear was rolling off of her as she took in your answer. You turned to her, your eyes flashing just as you said. You squeezed them shut and shook your head. "What happened?" she asked.

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