Chapter 9

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You were wandering down the many halls of the hospital, still looking for Illyana who had mysteriously disappeared on you. As you walked, you heard the alarms screaming through the halls. Your head turned around quickly. You heard fast footsteps behind you and saw Dani and Rahne running down the hall.

"What's happening?" you asked.

"I don't know!" Rahne yelled as you began running with them. You all neared the pool room when you heard the yelling. You ran into the room and your eyes widened when you saw Roberto. His entire body was on fire and his skin looked like it had melted away. He screamed as the flames consumed him.

When Dr. Reyes finally rushed into the room, her eyes widened as he continued to yell at you all. She grabbed a pool stick off the wall and used it to push him into the water, the flames dying down in a rush of smoke and steam that blocked your view.

You stared in shock as Roberto was seen standing in the pool, shivering. Illyana came into the room behind all of you, coughing from the steam that surrounded you. "Damn," she said, "What happened here?"

You turned to her, shaking your head a little to tell her that now wasn't really the best time. She looked into the pool and saw Roberto now watching her in shock and confusion. She looked back at him, "What?"

Roberto rushed out of the pool, grabbing a towel to dry himself off before pulling his shirt on. "Roberto, come with me-" Reyes started before being cut off as Roberto reached for her phone and snatched it from her.

He started rushing down the hall toward the main doors, looking for the exit as he punched in random numbers on her phone. "What's the code?" Roberto demanded as you all followed him down the hall.

Reyes told him, "Give me my phone back. I am in charge here!" Roberto got to the doors and started yanking on them to try and get them open. When they didn't open, he slammed his hand down on the door and turned on her, "You're not in charge of shit. Did you not see what happened? Huh? Illyana tried to kill me!"

Illyana spoke calmly from her spot on the wall, "It wasn't me."

"Illyana," you whispered to her. She shrugged, sighing and crossing her arms.

"Roberto, Illyana was in her room," Reyes said.


"There was nobody in the pool but you."

Roberto pointed down the hall, "Did you see what I saw? Huh? We're trapped in here with demons, and you want us to stay trapped!" You looked away, looking down at Jasper as you sighed.

Reyes stepped forward as she demanded her phone, "Give it back."

"What's the code?" he pushed her back in his anger.

"Hey! Berto, chill," Sam told him.

"Chill nothing!" Roberto yelled, "I'm calling the cops and getting out of here."

"You're not going anywhere," Reyes told him.

"Yeah? Says who."

"Says your doctor."

Illyana scoffed, "Bullshit." She moved from her spot on the wall and you looked at her, "Illy." She glanced at you, winked, and then turned back to Reyes. "You're not a doctor," she said, shaking her head. "I've known men like you," she got in between her and Roberto, getting in her face as she spoke, "Men who like to keep children in cages. I've known them... and I've killed them."

Reyes looked her in the eyes for a long moment before turning to Roberto, "She wasn't in the pool." She turned back to Illyana, "But I know what you did to me."

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