Chapter 2

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When you opened your eyes again, you found yourself in a very strange place. You looked around frantically, trying to figure out where you were. You sat up, trying to get out of the bed you were laying in, when your hand got caught on the frame. Your other arm was wrapped in a cast, but your arm felt perfectly fine. You looked at your trapped hand, yanking at it to turn your hand lose.

You got out of the bed, still trying to turn your arm lose before deciding that it was useless. You would get out another way. "Jasper, what do we do?" you said, reaching for your belt loop before realizing that you were in a hospital gown. You looked around for Jasper, freaking out when you found he wasn't with you.

Tears sprung to your eyes for a moment before you suddenly got angry. You yanked at your arm again, trying to get yourself free despite your assessment that it would work. "Where am I?" you yelled, "Get me out of here! Let me go!" Your eyes shifted purple again as you screamed. You dragged the bed to the door, banging on it angrily. "Let me out!"

Suddenly over the intercoms, a woman's voice came on as she spoke in a calm voice that nearly pissed you off more than before. "Calm down, Y/N. I'm coming to you now." You looked around, yanking on the doors again.

A woman in a lab coat was walking towards the door. You growled at her, "Where am I, and where is Jasper?" You yanked on the door again, your eyes flashing purple.

She spoke again, her voice just as calm now as it was on the intercoms. She spoke to you like you were a frightened animal, and it only served your anger. "Please calm yourself. I am not going to hurt you. I will explain everything to you if you will let me in."

You huffed, reluctantly pulling away from the doors as you pushed the bed away. You sat down on it, pulling your legs up to your chest as you hid your face away. "Doors. Infirmary," she said, the doors beeping before opening for her. She closed them behind her and walked into the room. As she got closer to you, walking over cautiously, you could feel her emotions. How could you feel her emotions? You could feel the calm she was trying to present to you, but you could also sense her edge at being around you.

It didn't help your own edge.

She walked over to you, having a seat next to you. You moved away from her, looking away as you wiped at your face. You weren't going to cry in front of this stranger. She told you gently, "Hello, Y/N. I am Dr. Reyes."

You didn't react to her, doing the bare minimum necessary to listen to her. "I believe these are yours." She stood from the bed, opening a drawer of one of the cabinets in the room and pulling something out.

Reyes walked back over, presenting Jasper to you. You went to grab him, but your arm got stuck in your bonds. She motioned her hand out to you for yours, and you slowly gave it to her. She undid the bond and you hesitated before reaching out and grabbing Jasper.

You held him to your chest, relief finally settled in you now that you had your friend back. Reyes sat next to you again. You examined Jasper to see that his foot had been sewed back on. You looked up at her for an explanation. She seemed to understand as she told you, "One of the staff members at the orphanage sewed it back on. She said it was important to you." You held onto him tighter as you eyed her. Reyes asked, "Do you remember what happened?"

You looked away and answered after a moment of silence, "She hurt Jasper, so I tried to kill her." She nodded at your answer and followed it up with a question, "Do you remember how?"

You glanced behind you, as if you would see the wings that had carried you in the air. You spoke again, "Wings. How did I get wings? I haven't had them since..."

She tilted her head, "Since when, Y/N?"

You sighed, memories flashing behind your eyes. You squeezed them shut, shaking your head to get rid of them. "Since...since it killed them. The monster...Leviathan."

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