Chapter 7

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"Today I'd like to talk about obedience."

You rolled your eyes a little, staring down at your hands as they sat in your lap with Jasper. You pulled one leg up to sit over your lap and stared blankly out of the window. Illyana was staring at the ground with both of her feet pulled to her chest. She looked over at you and you shrugged tiredly. Reyes spoke. "If you want any hope of moving on to my superior's facility, it's crucial that I know you can be trusted."

Sam raised his hand to get her attention. Reyes turned to him, "Yes?"

"What if we don't want to go to your boss's facility. You know, what if I just want to go home?"

"Sam, you remember what happened. You think they stopped looking for you? If you weren't here, you'd be in prison, or worse." Reyes said. You looked back over to her, tilting your head slightly. How sensitive of her. You glanced over at Illyana, who was also looking over at her before turning her eyes to Sam, who was uncomfortable again.

"I was... it was an accident!" he responded.

"You think anyone outside this room would believe that?" she asked him.

"I would," Dani spoke up, "Sam's a good guy."

You then spoke up next, "I hate to say it, but I agree with Dani. Sam isn't bad."

He almost scoffed, "Even if I'm not, do I really have to spend my whole life in here for one mistake?"

"Once you're better," Reyes told him.

Sam stammered, "When am I better?"

"What's gotten into you, Sam?"

"Look, something's not right," everyone turned to him, "I'm seeing things, terrible nightmares." You tilted your head slightly. So have you, was it going around? "When am I ever getting better?"

"You're better when I say so," Reyes told him. He shook its head, "Forget it. It's bullshit. You're not listening to me." He turned and stormed out of the room.

You looked up at her, "Why do you dictate that?"

"Because I am your doctor. I am qualified to dictate whether you are or are not better," she turned to you. You shook your head, scowling as you looked back out at the window. "And what qualifies us as 'better'?"

"When you are able to control your abilities. Y/N, we have talked about this before," she told you.

You leaned forward, "Well that could be never! You keep saying that but there's a chance that you don't even know when that is."


"I'm tired of being here!" you exclaimed, your eyes flashing again as your anger got the best of you. She pursed her lips and sighed, sitting back against her chair and giving you a hard look, as if it would put you back in your place. "That is how I know you are not ready to move on."

You rolled your eyes with a scoff. Blinking again, your eyes returned to their normal color. Against what she believed, you were getting better at making them go away. Showing up was a different matter. "You're the one who told me my powers run on my emotions. Are you going to tell me to control my emotions next?"

She was silent, pursing her lips again as she glanced at her hands and then back up to you. You nodded, "Forget it. This is bullshit. All of this is bullshit." You stood from you seat, clipping Jasper onto your belt loop and walking out of the room.

You stormed away, clenching your fists as you kept yourself from tapping into your powers. You huffed, "This is so stupid. I shouldn't be here."

You got down the hall, making a turn to get to the dorms. You stopped when you heard the sound of a strange, low cackle down the hall. You froze, your eyes trained on the corner down the long hall. You heard light tapping and held your breath, taking slow and quiet steps back.

"Just in my head," you whispered to yourself, "It's just in my head."

Then you saw a pitched black hand with long clawed fingers come around the corner and grasp the wall, making an indent as they dug into it. You took a step back, somehow underestimating how far the step should've been and falling to the ground.

The next thing you saw was the head of the Leviathan popping from the corner and roaring. You got to your feet quickly, running down the hall the opposite way. You heard the loud tapping behind you and screamed, refusing to look behind you at the monster chasing you.

You turned the corner too quick, your shoulder bumping into the side because your turn was too narrow. You stumbled back, landing on the floor. You turned to look at Leviathan and your breath stopped. He wasn't there.

You looked around frantically, catching your breath as you tried to figure out how he suddenly disappeared. You let out a gust of air and heard heavy footfalls behind you. Illyana, Reyes, Rahne, and Dani showed up behind you. Reyes went to help you up and you yanked away from her. Illyana then came and helped you to your feet.

"What happened?" Reyes asked quickly. You steadied yourself, looking at Illyana as you answered the question, "He was here. He... he was here."

"Who was here?" Dani asked.

You turned to her and then over at Reyes, "Leviathan. He was chasing after me and then he just disappeared. I don't know where he went."

Reyes sighed, "Y/N, this Leviathan creature is not-"

"Go fuck yourself!" you yelled at her before shoving passed her, heading the opposite way of where you saw the monster. You pulled Jasper off your belt loop and held him to your chest for dear life. Illyana looked at Reyes and turned around to go with you.

You looked over your shoulder when you heard her coming after you and slowed to allow her to catch up, not that you needed to. In the next second, she was standing in front of you. "Are you alright?"

You sighed and the two of you started walking again. When you finally answered her, you said, "Physically, yeah. Mentally, no. Emotionally, also no."

She sighed, hesitantly saying, "Well...I'm sorry."

You turned to her and laughed weakly, "That's the first time I've heard you actually apologize since I got here."

She laughed with you, "What about after I almost made you run head first into that force field?"

"That wasn't an actual apology, but it was close enough," you told her. You both laughed quietly before your frown returned. You buried your face behind Jasper, trying to get Leviathan out of your head. "It was so real..."

"It probably was," she told you. You looked over at her, "Thanks, that really helps."

She smiled a little. "Don't worry. If Leviathan does come, I'm sure we can take him. You could even do it on your own. I know you're strong enough."

You chuckled weakly, "I thought you were the most powerful mutant here."

She snickered, "I am. You're pretty powerful yourself if I'm right about your power." She smiled and turned to you. You smiled as well before letting out an airy chuckle. She definitely knew how to make you feel better.

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