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Vinezia was going through her files while sipping on her espresso. She raised her face from the bold letters towards her phone to see who was calling, although a little confusion passed through her mind, her face remained emotionless.
  She stretched out her hand to disconnect the charger and pressed the green button on the phone.She closed the files and placed it on the table,still confused of the sudden call.


"Si Paolo"

"Papa Passed away"

Vinezia stayed silent but not surprised, and after a moment she hanged up her phone and tossed it to the bed.The news of her adoptive father's death made her heart weak but nothing was seen on her face.She knew it was time for her to return to Italy.But after being away from her Home for almost 5 years made it difficult for her to go back.

Not thinking anything further she decided that she will attend the funeral and return to France as soon as possible.

She packed her necessary things and texted her biological Brother about her going back to Italy, in which he replied to return quick.

After booking the ticket she went to her car and decided to wait in the Airport till the time of her flight. Closing her eyes she rested there in the lounge. 'I won't be meeting with Cenzo' She thought to herself. It's been 5 years since she last saw her Brother and he was the only one who she missed throughout her stay in France. Although they still have communication, the distance between them is not only by place but also by heart .When he forced her to leave the country saying that she isn't safe they both knew that she was able to protect herself,but what she didn't knew was that the danger he speaking of was from not outside but from her Adoptive Family. Realising that was when she regretted fighting with her own blood. Although the misunderstanding between them was solved,the connection remained distant.


Standing there infront of her Father's closed eyes Vinezia's heart ached. Seeing the man who raised her lying lifeless made her body weak. Even though it's not her biological father, this is the man who she spend her childhood calling 'Papa'. Various emotions passed through her but the presence of many people made her face stay cold as usual.


Looking outside standing beside the gaint piller... Vinezia was lost in her own thoughts while she heard her name being called by a familiar voice.


Closing her eyes and letting out a sigh she released her crossed arms and turned around to face the owner of the voice.


There he is. Her adoptive brother, Paolo Cassano.
She's not very comfortable with his presence around her, neither her biological brother is. Paolo is one of the reason her brother sent her away from here. But Paolo was not very much of a threat to her. She treated him as her brother but he never treated her as his sister. Being all lovely and flirty around her when she was alone with him, but even though she was okay with all of this, she wasn't such a big fan of his physical affection towards her.

As soon as he came close to her, Vinezia was engulfed into a sudden tight hug leaving her with wide eyes. A moment later she also wrapped her arms around him lightly patting his back.

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