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(Italian, Korean, English, French)

For what felt like an eternity later, Vinezia closed the last document she was reading, the frown on her forehead releasing and a sigh leaving her lips. She doesn't have any business with these documents or files anymore cause of her sudden trip, but still she ran through everything just to kill time. Vinezia was never a big fan of overthinking, but being an unfortunate mortal she is, its indispensable. So as to get rid of her thoughts, she reads. 

Her ears picking up unknown sounds, suddenly killing the silence in her room, she knew her brother was awake. Getting herself representable to the outside world, she walked into the living room to find her brother rubbing his forehead, all ready for the day which was still yet for her to discover. 


Vinezia asked her brother, now absolutely regretting how she gave away the coffee to that weird guy whose name she ,not so surprisingly can't remember. Vincenzo letting out a sigh and lightly nodding his head before opening his eyes and looking at his sister. 

"No time for anything, we gotta head out."

The female nod in return, compelling to follow whatever he was to say. She walked out behind her brother, Locking the door and checking the time. They took steady steps forward as they chat and keep up with life.


Hearing her brother ask that question, she wondered when was the last time she had a meal with someone other than Jean. Her isolation from most the world outside almost made people think that she was insane and thanks to Jean for proving that he was much more insane for following her around all the time. Smiling lightly remembering his stupid action, she raised her eyes and nodded at her brother.

"Where should we eat?"


Going through the menu, seeing so many items, she look up at the chef who she can read perfectly that was sweating nervously yet still smiling. She wasn't comfortable with most of the food shown in there, her appetite wasn't big, just ordering coffee she smiled slightly at the chef. He smiled back like a perfect fool and turned to her brother. He was somehow immersed in analysing the menu to get the best dish. Ordering what the chef recommended to him, he smiled at the chef. Vinezia wondered if it was too long since she went to Italy or this chef who says that he's to from Italy sounds so fake. 

Vinezia's coffee and Vincenzo's spaghetti came just right at time. Sipping her coffee, she watched as her brother praising the chef seeing the texture of the dish. The coffee wasn't bad, but she didn't like how it wasn't strong enough for her. Taking another sip and looking out, she heard her brother cough. The chef had an ugly expression. She wondered if her brother was this hilarious before, throwing the tissue at the chef and exposing his identity, she had to hold back a  chuckle. Throwing insults after insults, Vincenzo sure made the chef embarrassed and he looks almost in the verge of tears. Paying no attention to the scenario going in-front of her, Vinezia calmly finished her coffee. Paying for the both of them as Vincenzo had already walked out, standing up, bowing towards the chef politely and letting herself out.

"Why did you pay him?"

Walking side to her, her brother asked, making her look at him with raised eyebrows. Let's say Vincenzo is the only person who has seen the most of her life, yes, cause he raised her. But that's not it, he knows her personality, how she looks blank most of the times, and sometimes when it's only them, she acted like a baby. But now seeing her face, he's kind of regretting sending her away. But that was for her own good and even she knows it now. So now seeing her small kind gestures  and face, he still thinks she's cute. 

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