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(Italian, Korean, English, French)

"I don't know who you are, but you should clean your outfit before you clean your mind."

The monk said to Vincenzo before walking inside. The dirt in Vincenzo's cloths wasn't something that would go unnoticed. For sure the monk noticied. Even though the monk didn't seem to show any other emotions than being calm the words he said to Vincenzo had some kinda sarcasm in it. Or is it just was Vinezia thought. The female let out a chuckle before turning around to walk away.

"He's freaking right"

The female let out another laugh as she was walking up from the basement. Vincenzo wasn't sure if he was humiliated or not. Cause of the truth it was spilled. He shook his head before following his sister up. The both Italian's was sure tired.


Vinezia just finished taking a shower. Holding a towel and rubbing it against her head to dry her still wet hair, she walked out to the living room. Vincenzo went to the dry cleaning stall to get his suit cleaned. Vinezia just wore and Black board shorts and grey t-shirt. He hair was still wet, but she decided not to blow dry it. After drying it Just with the towel Vinezia left the towel in the counter. She combed her hair with using her finger.

Vinezia is a hard working women, but when she gets lazy, she's disappointingly lazy, but no one knows about her this side, except Her brother and her beloved admirer in France. That's right, she gained herself a loyal admirer, Jean Leroy. Since the past 5 years he never left her side. But Vinezia never considered him as anyone more than a friend. More like a bestfriend. She didn't interact much with people, but Jean never cared about that. He was straight and clear about his feelings towards this Italian Female, but she rejected him. Vinezia never had any romantic feelings towards anyone. The one person she love and care for is her brother. But Jean was her bestfriend, and he was very much glad that he got the title from her, but secretly wished for more.

She sat down at at the couch with her brief case, took out all the files and documents she brought along with her. Since it was a sudden journey she thought that, just the things for a week or more would be needed. But now seeing all the situation, she was guessing that she had spend her last day in France even without her knowing.

Vinezia eyes were fixed on the files as she turns each pages slowly. Even with nonchalant face, she concentrated on each lines, but her mind was a mess.   Even though she had guessed almost what's happening right now, her brother hasn't clarified it yet. And she was curious. After spending a not so bad hour through her files she noted what she didn't and did bring. Obviously she can't go back anytime soon or maybe never.

'Ring Ring'

Her phone on the table started buzzing, but before she could look at who's calling the door opened.


Oh hello their!
So yeah I'm not dead but my school is killing me so....
I'm so sorry for not posting and for this short chapter
I've been writing like 1 or 2 minutes from the last time i posted and this is all I could gather. The time I'm getting to spend writing is not zero it's negative

Sorry for letting you all down
Forgive this stupid author

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