
665 23 2

(Italian, Korean, English, French)

There sat a little girl with round face on the park bench, swinging her small legs back and forth waiting for someone to get her home. She was lost, and didn't knew what to do. Her face was blank, eyes down watching herself fiddling with her finger. Silent from the siren calls of the cruel world, the little 4 year old sat obediently. It was twilight sky and soon going to be dark. But the girl didn't panic as she felt nothing to be scared of.

 "What are you doing here at this hour?"

The girl looked up from her small fingers to see a little boy standing Infront of her, almost 1 feet more taller than her. She tilted her head wondering if she should reply him. The boy raised an eyebrow in the question manner. The little 4 year old eyed him and replied.


After confirming her reply was enough the girl went back to her own business. But the boy stood still confused, it was crystal clear that she was lost. He looked around to see if her parents were near somewhere, but found no one. He sighed and inquired.

"Where do you live?"

The girl hesitated for a moment the turned her head to the right side, giving him the hint its that way. Seeing her so silent made him think that she was sad. He took a candy from his pocket and offered her to cheer up the girl. Seeing what he gave her, she looked up to meet up with his eyes and saw with smiling lightly. The boy thought he guessed wrong. He thought she was sad, but her eyes seemed blank, like an endless deep blue ocean which hid many mysteries.

She didn't take the candy, but instead she took out  her small handkerchief and placed it on his hand. Confused, he stared at the kerchief in his palm. The little girl went back on playing with her fingers. 

"D-don't cry"

It came out as a whisper, like she was struggling to pull out the words from her mouth. She didn't look up, but then he understood there was tears on his cheeks and his eyes were probably swollen. He ran away from home crying, cause he fought with his brother, that's when he saw a poor lonely soul like him . A smile creeped up on his face unknowingly. He placed the kerchief in his pocket and took a step forward towards the little girl. She looked up to see him just before her face. He took her small palm in his and placed the candy in it.

"In thanks for the kerchief, take this, I'm note a stranger now, am I? We just traded things"

That statement somehow made sense to the 4 year old girl. She nodded her head, hand still in his. It was warm, almost like her brother's. 

"Now let's get you home, okay? Do you trust Oppa now?"

Her face, at last, showed Aan expression 'A FROWN'. She looked like she wanted to ask something, but couldn't.

"Yaaa, I'm 6 years old, I'm definitely older than you. That makes me Oppa right?"

The frown on her face finally disappeared as she blinked twice. They maintained eye contact and the girl finally agreed nodding her head 'YES'.

"So what do you call me?"


"Can't hear you!"

'O-O Oppa"

"Still can't"

She took a breathe, looed up into his shiny eyes which was swollen.


The little 4 year old said, loud and clear. His smile brightened, even forgot why he cried and left home. He raises his hand for a high-fi, but the girl just stared at his palm. He giggled and grabbed her wrist, then 'CLAP'. They did a high-fi.

"That's a high-fi, people do that when we succeed on something, now let's get you home for real now."

He helped her to get down and as they were about to walk towards the direction she pointed earlier, a voice was heard.

"YAAA Park Ji-youngg"

The little boy looked up confused, seeing another boy standing few meters away from them. As he was about to get a good look at him, the girl beside him grabbed his wrist, raises he hand and gave him a high-fi.

"You got me home"

The 3 year old said and smiled, the brightest one she has ever hand on her face. She felt better, that she was able to smile, but also couldn't  find the source of this sudden happiness. She ran away from him towards the other voice who called out her name.

As she was running, a conversation was heard behind.

"Ya, what are you doing here?"





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Yohoo My dear Readers!

Forgive this stupid author again for being late!

Now see ya all later...

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