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(Italian, Korean, English, French)

Seeing that it was her brother who entered, Vinezia averted her eyes to the phone screen. Accepting the call she closed all the files and leaned back on the couch.

"Âllo? Jean?"

It was her beloved admirer that called her at the moment, just as she was thinking about contacting him, Much of a coincidence.

"Vinezia, I know you must be worried about your documents files and things in here, I can make it delivered to you, I already asked Mr. Michel, and you can collect them from your nearby law firm there"

Vinezia smiled at how much he understood her even though she spoke no words. But this definitely wasn't why he called for sure, and she could already guess the major aim. She checked the wall clock and found it was already 10:30PM, which means it was only 2:30PM in France and he should be overloaded with work right now.

"Come on, say it, what do you wanna ask?"

She asked the French male directly. Jean on the other side smiled at her reply, but his smile soon dropped and fist rolled. He heard something, but he wanted to know if it was the truth, from his goddess's own mouth. He took a deep breadth and finally asked.

"Is it true? That you went back to your motherland? You're not coming back now?"

Vinezia's face was blank, she thought it was nothing to be cared about, but this certain person sounds so lifeless at the moment. What can she do even? She never promised anyone that she'd stay at a certain place forever, all she knew is that her only family left now is her brother and that's her only concern.

"Yes, I'm at Korea right now, and currently not thinking for coming back anytime soon, maybe never, who knows"

Jean lowered his head, tightening his grip on his phone, anymore strength that it can break.

"Why is that? Did you find someone who you can marry and settle down with? T-then wha- what ABOUT ME?!?"

Jean shouted at the other end. Yes, he was obsessed, with her. Jean seriously hated the idea of any male species around her except him. Now that there was a rumour in the firm that his goddess left France running to her lover, he felt completely broke.

Vinezia still had a blank face. She felt nothing about that statement. She already guessed that this would be circulating around the firm right now, not that she cared. Everyone would obviously feel that Jean was overreacting, but she knows him well. Even though she had made it clear to him that they can only be friends, he acted like a little boy in love around her, she was used to him being like that and never complained.

But she did admire Jean a lot, as a brilliant lawyer, there isn't a case hé attended that went into second question. But her feelings were dead even before she knew began to identify people around her.

After a long silence, Vinezia spoke.

"I don't know how you came up with this solution, and I truly don't care, just for the sake of our friendship I'll make it clear to you! My brother and I came back to Korea after so many years, we're planning on staying here at the moment. And what you mean 'What about you?' I thought I made this clear to you Jean, you can never be happy with me, I only know how to spell the word 'love', I don't know why I'm explaining this to you, you've been a great friend to me and I'm grateful for that, Thank you and if you'll excuse me I'll have to go now, Remember to text me the about the law firm details"

Vinezia was a lady of fewer words, but her long reply told Jean that she was tired and annoyed. He spoke nothing, but the tightness of his heart loosened learning that the rumour is wrong, he smiled.

"Okay! Remember to call me at times and sure I'll forward you the details, bye then!"

They both hung up and just as Vinezia put her phone down she felt her eyes heavy.


Vinezia shot her eyes open hearing someone yelling and she realised the cry was from her brother who was taking a shower just now.

"Zia? Did you break the pipe before?huh?!?"

She clearly heard her brother but 'ignorance is bliss' she'll act. Vinezia went to her room to make her bed and have a nice sleep, she had a lot to do tomorrow and decided to take rest first.

*Sounds from the bathroom faded slowly, then came feathers of pigeons while Vinezia was sound asleep*


Long time no see!
So I'll try to post these short short chapters everyday maybe cause that's the only solution I can come up with taking my busy schedule into account

•So the law firm transfer thing, I came up with that idea myself as to make the story line interesting, so I don't think Lawyers actually do that in real! So it's like this, we can mail our documents, files, reports, and stuff from a law firm at one country to another law firm at another country, umm for safety purposes maybe? Yeah that!

Alright see you all soon then! Maybe?


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