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I'm back yep! The last chapter was a mess, seriously I didn't like it, and I still don't, soo...

(Italian, Korean, English, French)

The food was great yeah.

But not her now bulging belly!

Sure, she ate a lot, that's what her mouth's purpose is, follow the orders of your stomach and hunger. But now she had buttoned up her blazer to look more elegant, less fat, and tried to walk in a stiff and straightened position.

Keyword: Tried.

As if it was going to help, she decided to walk back to where her brother had already texted about.

Back to the Plaza.

Walking to the dance studio, Vinezia saw through the glass doors that more than a few people were inside already. Unpleasant, for her. All the tenants she had a displeasing opinion about were seated on the floor. Taking her shoes off, she stood beside Mr Cho. Now she became a victim of their eyes. Oh, good grace.

Questions were thrown one by one to her brother and Mr Cho. Mr Hong also deliberately answered few, as Vinezia 'JUDGED'. Well, trust was playing games and that was interesting. 

"I did a bit of research on Mr Cassanova's last name. It means new house."

Vinezia had no idea if she should be offended at the insult thrown towards them or just laugh.

Vinezia POV

I'm glad everyone agreed to the conditions, renovations, or whatever they were discussing. I sigh and walk out followed by the others. And yes, nobody was willing to do it. Trust was never a participant in this chat. Seeing that another lawyer was there, Mr Hong must have had his intentions behind shaking his hands with Vincenzo. All lawyers as by name and job, but have different sights. Feelings, people, respect, responsibility, money, grudge, blood. The list gets better and better. 

Feeling a vibration, I took out my phone to see that Jean had texted. Checking the time, It was 2:30 PM in here, must be 6:30 AM or something in France, it was just his daily good morning, I smiled as I replied to his text.

"What's so funny?"

Even if he was speaking to me in Korean, I could still recognize the voice of that person identified as my brother. 

"Your existence"

I replied without removing my gaze from my phone. But I could feel his frown on me. Finishing texting Jean, I finally looked up to see my brother's ugly face.

"Woah, who stepped on your bee?"

He chuckled.

Yeah, that looks better, hm. I can guess someone or something made him angry. Great day huh!

"Are you hungry?"

He asked me. I looked down at my now calm belly. 'Should I be hungry again?'. No, no bad idea. Shaking my head no, I declined whatever yummy offer was there on the menu. Not so great day huh!

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⏰ Last updated: May 18 ⏰

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