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(Italian, Korean, English)


Vinezia's POV

Here I am, in the Land of Morning Calm, Korea.
  But nothing here seems to be calm for me. This is just a place where I was born, and from what I heard from my adoptive parents, this is the place where my Mom abandoned me and my brother, I don't even remember anything About her. This is definitely not a calming Country for me.

I don't know why I'm here or where to go so I called my brother.




He didn't pick up. 'Strange' I thought and then saw that he has already sent me the address.

Geumga-dong, Seoul.

I glanced at my watch.


He must be there already.
Turning my phone off I looked for a taxi and got into the first one I saw, informing the driver about my destination I sat back comfortably. I took the current sim card off from my phone, broke it and threw it out off the window. Then installed a new sim card and again tried to call Vincenzo, but this time too the call hung up after a few rings. Giving up on my efforts on reaching him, I placed my phone inside my bag.

I'll just meet him when I get there. I missed him, I only missed him, and the fact that I'm finally getting to see him after 5 years made me excited.



This is the location he sent me, I looked up from my phone.

Geumga Plaza.

Plaza? Is this the stay place? Is it a hotel?

I looked around to find my brother, but saw no one. I decided to buy some coffee first before entering the Plaza. I turned my heels and found a man staring at me, 'Blue Bottoms, Grey T-shirt, Red jacket, and Navy blue beanie hat, weird'. I eyed him with cold eyes as that weird man walked away to god knows where.

Shaking my head lightly I grabbed my things with one hand and pushed my phone into my pocket, walking away.

After what felt like eternity I found a convincing cafe, not too much crowded to get my coffee. Pushing open the door I decided to buy an espresso and turned to leave quickly, but bumped into something. I lowered my head to see that it's not 'something' it's 'someone'. 'A kid' , he dropped his icecream, I think that happened when we bumped into each other. He looked up from the icecream on the floor. The first thought About him that came to my mind was 'Mushroom'. 'Okay why is everyone in here seems too weird' ,I bend my knees sitting on my heels to match eye level with him.

"Do you want another one?"

He looked at me confused like he didn't understand what I said, but as soon as his sad eyes met my usual cold one, he took a step back scared. I lightly smiled at him.

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